Chapter 4

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{Jason POV}

Aiden here try this,I handed him a T-shirt with the red hood symbol on it.

He went to try on he came out and he liked it.
So we got it and a few others.

Have you very had chili dogs I asked him as we walk to the food court.
No I don't eat meat he said.
I don't believe it what have they been feeding you I shouted

I do eat meat just fish though.
Come on I am gonna teach you how to be a real man,u are get gonna  have fun.
I grabbed his arm and took him to get what I call heaven in a bun.

{Lindy POV}
I picked up my bags and walked out the store.
That was so much fun I said to Barbara.
Well you made it t fun she chuckled.
So sorry to ruin you day civilians but I am looking Lindy and Aiden Wayne!!!!!!!!!

We turned around and saw Poison Ivy holding serval hostages by vines.

Run Barbara yelled we ran and hid behind a food cart.


We need to get out of here Barbara whisper yelled.

The cart was lifted by vines,we tried running but she wrapped us in her vines.
You are very pretty it's a shame I have to kill you she said clenching her fists they vines tied and the some flew towards her face and exploded.

Drop them Ivy I looked to see Batman and the Justice league.

And who's gonna make me she spat.

Then a sonic scream was released and then Ivy dropped us and a red and yellow blur speed to us and carried us outside.

Stay here the flash said speeding away.

We just saw the Flash Barbara squealed.

Come on let's get out of here,we were about to leave when a crowd of screaming people ran out the mall.

Babs I yelled we got sperated from each other.
I relised that I didn't see Aiden or Jason.

I ran back into the mall and almost got stabbed by a vine.

I walked around until two men holding rifles aimed at me.

Freeze!!!!! one yelled

I closed my eyes, I was sacred so screamed.

Opened my eyes and they were knocked out on the other side of the room.
I ran away from their and I was in the main hall where the league was fighting Ivy.

I hid behind a wall and watch carefully.
Soon Batgirl and Robin jumped down from the ceiling and took on Ivy's men that she was controlling.

I want the help but I can't fight in this.

I ran into a store and found some things to wear.

{Robin POV}
I threw a bird a rang a the minon and took him do.

What r you waiting for come and get me I yelled jumping from a goon.

Then a vine came and took me.

Batman,Flash, Batgirl and Black Canary were tied up.

Well I see why you all can't die as well. I will get the twins later right now I am gonna enjoy this.

She tighted the vines and so a scream was let go.

A girl in black leather with a dark blue shirt scream.
Oh great another bird Ivy said picking her self up.

The girl kicked Ivy in the gut the upper cutter her.

Her vines let us go and when I was free I tried to stop the girl but she ran around the corner and the once I was there she was gone.

{Aiden POV}

I looked around for Lindy and found her out of breath running to me.

Hey where were you I asked her.
Did you guys hear about the masked girl in black and blue Jason said looking surprised.

No we both said.
They are calling her the Blue Siren Jason said.
Cool I said.
Soon ivy was taken away and the and the league had already left.

Let's get you two home be for the papprazi find you,we went in the limo and went home.

{Bruce POV}
I was looking at the monitor trying to figure out who is this new Canary.

Are the twins okay I asked Jason.
Aiden thinks the Blue Canary is cool.
And Lindy
She didn't say anything.
Keep a close watch on them you too Damian.
I will father I will make sure they are okay.
Why are they going after your kids Dick asked taking off his mask.
That's what we need to found out Tim said.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now