Chapter 45

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*Her New Suit ,Also it's three years later*

{Lindy POV}


"Yes Thomas!!!!!"

"I can't find my sneakers!!!!!!!!!"

I walked over to the newly thirteen year old who was destroying the living room looking for his new air-maxes Jason gave him last week for his birthday.

"Maybe there upstairs in that pig pin you call a room"


"You hide them didn't you!!!!!!"

"What do I want with boy shoes ?"

Thomas and Ali get along most of the time the remind me of and Aiden.

Thomas left the room in a huff.

"You hide them didn't you ?"


"For a eight year old you act like you his age.Please give your brother his shoes before he blows the loft up and try to get along uncle Dick will be here soon to take you guys to Titans tower.


She ran out of the room before I could say anything else.

"Waa Waah WAAa!!!!!!!"

"Okay okay I am right here Blake"

Yes I another one,it is only one and a half,he is so cute.

I put him in the high chair and give him food then I went to the l the library and pulled on the the statue of a Dad,the book self opened and I stepped onto the elevator down to the bunker.

I saw Tim hacking some so I walked over to him.

"Dear I love you but you are breathing down my neck"He chuckled.

"Oh well"I exhaled on his neck and he wormed around like a two year old.

"Stop that"He wined.

"Okay big baby what are you working on ?"

"A scienist know has Doctor Springston went missing two weeks ago,the league still has no leads but she was working on a way to have one energy source to power the earth."

"Wow important doctor where was her last location."

"Her lab at Goth Crop.Why?"

"Tell Emily to meet me there."I grab my new suit that I made this time since Mr.Fox has been really busy but Tim became the new CEO to help him,he still thinks Bruce is alive everyone else doesn't not even Damian.

I to tell you the truth am not sure,a lot of things are possible so I am not sure at the moment.

~*Time Skip~*

I leap to the roof and jump off,I pull my grapple hook and and shot up to the roof of Goth Crop,I land and put my grapple gun away.

"Wow new suit?"

"Yes it is,did Red Robin feel you in on mission ?"

"Yes he said we need to inspect her office to see if she left any records around."

We entered through a window near by opened,the build was closed so guards were everywhere,Finch hacked the cameras so they would play loops of the past 15 minutes.

We made it to her office and it looked like someone beat us to the party.

"What a dump."Finch said.

I moved so papers and found her plans for the energy source know as Alphea.

"Take a look at this."I handed the papers to her.

"It looks like her the project canceled two years ago but she kept working on it." She explained.

"Guys you have guards heading your way."Red Robin spoke.

We quickly took the file and a few others and left,

*Sorry that it's short but I need ideas,could you guys leave some that would really help any way I hope you enjoyed bye*

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