Chapter 58

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{Lindy POV}

Mom had told me about a group her and Barbara formed but it never stayed longer than two years.So me and Elena decided to bring the Birds back together.

"Well since there were three founding members we should try and find our there member." I said leaping from a rooftop.

"What about Stephanie ?"

"No and she is traveling the world or something."I grappled to a rooftop and launched myself to the old Clock Tower Oracle used. Since Barbara can walk again she as since gone back to being Batgirl.

I walked in and it was a dump.Dust cobwebs and trash.

Wo Barbara this place became a dump after she and Dick left to get her to walk again and I hear there back together which I am so happy about.

I hear the sound of boots hitting the ground.

"Well this place is nice." Catgirl walked over to me.

"We took our mask off and turned on the hologram computer.

"How about Rocket ?" Catgirl asked.

"No she has off the girde for a few years." I said typing again.

"Wonder Girl?"

"Not happening plus she's on the titans."

"ARTEMIS!!!" We both said.

"Wally won't mind if we have fun tonight plus he's out with the boys anyway.You know the lost weekend." I said.

"Oh ya I know Jason went." She blushed.

"You should ask him out." I smirked.

"Oh I don't know,I guess I'm scared to get rejected."

"You know being your sister I can tell when your lying to me." I said phoning Arty.

"Sometimes I hate that your the oldest!" She grumbled.

"By two years you can live it out sis."

"Ya that means you'll get old before I do." She smirked.


"Oo a cat fight I don't want to miss any of this." Artemis laughed.

"ARTY!!!!" We yelled.


"Me and Catgirl are reforming the Birds of Prey and we won't you to be our three member." I started.

"So what do you say ?" Cat girl said standing on her tippy toes wanting to beg her to death.

"Sure,just to make Wally think about going on that trip without me knowing." She said with angry in her voice.

"Oo Wally in DOG HOUSE!!!" We laughed.

"Yup I'll be there in 20." The screen went dark and the we got ready for our first mission.

20 Minutes Later

"Hey guys." We turned to see Artemis.

"Good your hear did you bring it?"

"Of course ladies." She sat two boxes of Pizza we ate and started planning to go after this Meta human.

"So she's call Mistress." Artemis said grabbing a third slice.

"Yup she's been all over the news." I said throwing one of the pizza boxes away.

"Well the camera says she's in New York which is only a hour from here." Catgirl grinned.

"Suit up bitches The Birds of Prey are taking New York.

In a Hotel Suite in New York

"So where is she gone now ?" Artemis asked fulling her quiver.

"Saids at the Museum." Cat girl looked up from the laptop and grabbed her whip.

"Let's go ladies." We all jumped out of the window and went to her location.

{Tim POV}

"Titans GO!!"

Raven,Superboy and Wonder Girl went to the entrance on the left side of the musem while Beast Boy Bunker and I went west.

We soon were in a room with the mask woman robbing a diamond case.

"Give up your out numbered!!" WG yelled.

"Oh am I." Her voice was innocent yet seductive.

A heart shape arrow shot Bunker in the arm.

"Oops I met to hit you big Red." A sweeter and younger voice cooed.

"Who are you!!" Superboy barked.

"It's Cupid Stupid." She shot more arrows at us from her high vantage point.


"Wow are they scared to face us." Another female voice laughed.

"Killer Frost." Wonder girl went after Cupid and Superboy after Killer Frost.

Me and the others went for Mistress.

"Sorry kiddo but this will have to end here." She chuckled.She released a Scream that sent all of us back and hit walls or the floor.

"Bye Big Red." Cupid blow a kiss at me.

"We don't have time finish them." Mistress shouted.

"Wondergirl was in a block of ice.

"Now if you be still we can make your deaths quick and painless." Cupid chackled.

Then the skylight crashed and there was Artemis,Catgirl and Siren.

"This ends now Mistress." Artemis barked.

"Oh dear we have more guest,seeing as your late I guess your not apart of the titans so who are you all?"

"The Birds of Prey." The all answered.

"Cute.Cupid Frosty kill them all."

Artemis fired three large arrows and it smoked out the room.When it cleared Catgirl was tie her whip around her waist and was next to Killer Frost who was out cold.

As for Cupid,she was in a net stuck to the wall also out cold.

"May you work fast but not fast enough." She screamed again and Artemis and Catgirl flew back,but Siren screamed and it was like a clash.

Both stopped and started fighting each other.

"You remind me of a younger me." Mistress laughed and tried to stab Siren but she kicked the knife out her hand slide kicked her.

"Clearly your younger self could fight you not so much." Siren smirked,but her smirked dropped with the hood on Mistress dropped ant the girl under the hood was now face to face with Siren.

"What the--

"What you didn't miss your sister." Mistress laughed.

*Oo plot twist let me know your thoughts also any good artist I need a drawing of Artemis,Siren and Catgirl so if you have to time and you would like to I would love it and you'll get a shout out and dedication in the chapter I use the picture in.That is all thank you for reading this book also.*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now