Chapter 71

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Play song when told and those pictures are supposed to be Tim and Lindy,if you couldn't tell.

{Bruce POV}

I have been driving around Gotham all night,I pull into the cave and hop out the Batmoblie,I pull my mask off and walk to the huge computer in the center.

Alfred had called and told be my daughter was alive,but I should be happy right? Wrong.

Since her death I have been being less and less of Bruce Wayne and more of the Batman,more darker and a lot more violent.

I don't want her to know what I've become,I just couldn't do that to her. I change into a white t-shirt with a green hoodie,jeans and white sneakers.

My hair has a few patches of grey but it's hard to see,I go upstairs to find my granddaughter fast alseep,and Tim pacing around the living room.

"Tim you pacing around the room isn't gonna help you."

"Bruce I'm so confused I don't know who I want to be with. Lindy was my first love we went through a lot we had a daughter for crying out loud. But Stephanie it's easy it's like I can start over again get away from crime fighting and live a normal life. What do I do ?"

I thought about it for a sec. "I can't help you there Tim you love both but you can't have both,trust me I've been there. But you'll make the right choice I know."

I then went to the front door,I hopped into a red sports car and I decided that I needed to find my little girl and bring her home.

{No one's POV}

Play song Now.

Lindy walked down the dark,and crime fulled streets of Gotham it was if has it was just her because that's all she felt.

I so glad you made time to see me,
How's life,tell me how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while.

Tim couldn't take it anymore he hated how he was torn between two girls that he loved so much,but he now knew the right choice and he was going after her.

He grabbed his jacket and ran out the door,Alfred was by the archway and he knew Tim's choice,and how he knew that the other young lady would never be the same.

You've been good,busier than ever.We small talk,work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why.

Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of my mind.
You gave me roses and I left them there to die.

Lindy pulled the hood on her jacket,has it began to snow,she walked quickly ran down a alley way and walked through it,the thugs in the alleyway didn't even bother her,which shocked her she walked into a café and ran to the bathroom,she looked in the mirror and just down right cried her eyes out.

So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you,saying I'm sorry for that night.
And I go back to December all the time.

It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you.
When you were mine,I'd go back to December,turn around d and make it all right.
I go back to December all the time.

Tim,pulled his phone and checked the tracker he had on her,well Bruce had.he ran and ran he didn't want to drive with the new boost of adrenaline,he ran down the now snow covered streets of Gotham.For the first time in Tim's life he knew what he wanted.

These days I haven't been sleeping.
Staying up playing back to myself leaving,When your birthday passed and I didn't call.
And I the about Summer,all the beautiful times.
I watched you laughing from the passenger side.

Lindy walked out the bathroom,her eyes red and puffy,hair a little messy,she put on her hat and walked out to embrace the cold late fall early winter night.

And realized I'd love you in fall, And then the cold came,
the dark days when fear crept into my mind.
You gave me all the love and all I gave you was goodbye

Tim stopped he was now in midtown,he looked around screaming her name,he say she about to cross the street but didn't see the truck flying down the road,with another boost of adrenaline Tim ran to her and wrapped his arms,around her he rolled them out the trucks,way and the truck swivel out the way.

"I couldn't lose you. Not again."

"You'll never lose me." Her eyes watered

"I love you Lindy."

"I love you too Tim." She hugged him tight. And this time she wasn't letting go.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now