Chapter 54

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{Lindy POV}

It's been a week and a half since we came to London a lot has happened,Bruce has been tell us about this new villain who is attack the royal family and how Wayne Enterprises will be attending the Royal Ball this afternoon.

"So to be clear Lindy and Tim will attend with me has my two children from American,Damian,Dick and Jason you all with be on the rooftops so have eyes on us all.Elena and Stephanie will post has security guards and stay close to the royal family.Is everyone clear on the plan."

We nodded and Bruce left,and the everyone else left but Tim stayed.



"I wanted to apologize about last week."

"Tim it's fine you don't have to--

"Ya I do.I shouldn't have tried to kiss you that was wrong."I brushed his hands through his hair and looked down at the ground.

"Look your confused it's fine."

"No it's not.I shouldn't be with someone when I'm not over someone else."

I sighed.

"I don't know what to say Tim but your smart you'll find out what you want in time." I left to go get ready.

I walked down the stairs in my dress that the glam team brought and all eyes turned to me.

{Here's her dress}

All the boys mouth hung open and Elena made a cat whistle

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All the boys mouth hung open and Elena made a cat whistle.

"Dang girl that dress doesn't leave much to the imagination." Dick chuckled

"I think that's the point." Stephanie scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the last stair.

"Here." Tim handed me a clear box with a lily in it.


"It's a corsage with a camera and mic in it." He said.

"Ah." I put it on,Dick Jason and Damian pressed a button on there suits and there bike came.

"How did you?"

"Sister you should know now father never leaves to house without his suit and a portable bike."Damian said.

The three raced to the palace,Stephanie and Elena left soon after and the limo that would take me,Dad,Tim,Alfred and Peg to the palace.

Once we made it Peg took Alfred to meet the Queen and Bruce turned to us.

"You both stay close." Was all he said before disappearing into the crowd,everyone in this room was beginning to dance so Tim turned to me.

"May I have this dance Miss Wayne"

"You may Mr Drake." We both laughed and then began to ballroom dance.

"Yes Tim"
"Never mind"
"You sure ?"
"Ya it can wait"
The sound of trumpits felled the room and the Queen and the Duntchess walked into the room.

We listened to theQueen basically she welcomed us all and they told us all to move outside,everyone in the ballroom went outside to the back were the turn ball will be held.

"I'm going to check the mission room." Tim said

I'm going with you."

"No your not I want you safe." He left before I could say another word.

"Miss Wayne!" I turned to see a tall man with dark brown hair and Drake behind him.

"Ah you are this Lindy Wayne my son talks so highly of.

"I am Duke of Wiles and I see you have met my son Drake"

"Y-your father is the Duke." I said smiling.

"Yes though we don't like to put it out there. You see Lindy wife and I try to keep our children out of the limelight so they can have a normal life.

"I see"

"Lindy you need to go to the mission room with Tim he's I'm trouble"

"Perfect timing Dick I am with the Duke"

"We can get to him and Elena and Stephanie can't leave the Queen's side."

"Fine on my way."

"Sorry sir Leighton I must take my leave."

"So early my child a least let Drake take you to dance." He chuckled

"I would be my brother is in trouble." I turned to leave and went inside.

{Duke POV}
"You called for us sir." Two of my guards came over to me.

"Keep a eye on that Wayne girl,and you know what to do if she finds to much."

"Yes sir and what about Wayne ?"
"I'll handle him you handle the girl and that boy who was with her."

"Yes sir!"
"Right away sir!" They left to follow the girl inside and I turned to Wayne.

"Ah you must be this Mr Wayne I keep hearing about."

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