Chapter 39

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*Sorry if there are more spells than normal I am trying to make sure there is none but I have been busy so I am exhausted.Just wanted you all to now,also how do you like this book please let me know I would love your guys fedback.And this countie from last time since some many wanted to know the rest here you go.

{Black Siren POV}

"Thanks again for your guys help."

"No Problem,what are brothers for" Nightwing chuckled.

"Are we sure their in there" Artemis asked.

"I'm positive"I stated.

"Who's to say they want try to kill you" Super boy mumbled.

Well that's what your here for Kon,I could see the smirk on his face.

Black Siren my scanners so the first five levels are clear Oracle had finally spoke this whole time.

"Well that's are cue"Artemis shot a arrow and swung to the other building,and NightWing grappled after her.

I jumped down the three stores to the ground and so did Superboy.

"Okay you should be in sector two by now"Oracle had been making sure that no one was here or we would run into.

"We've been spotted!!!!!!" NightWing Shouted there the coms.

"Superboy you and Siren are eleven feet from the camera area if you two can get there in time you can disable the alarms."

"Got we" we always spoke at the same time for some reason.

We enter and there were seven armed guards,I scream and I took down three while Super Boy took the others. I disable the alarms and Oracle notify Artemis and Nighwing.

We took the Services stairs,and ended at two halls.

"Oracle which one"Superboy asked.

"DAMNIT"She yelled.

"That's not a choice'He looked so confused,I couldn't help but laugh.

"No I can't see pass where you are,Super boy go left,Siren go Right".

We followed her directions.

"Siren there should be....a....PA--i-r of....doors enter and .......should be ther...."

The com cut out,I couldn't reach the others either so I pushed there the doors and there they were.

(Here's so pictures)

(Here's so pictures)

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I walked over to the tubes,the someone broke through the doors

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I walked over to the tubes,the someone broke through the doors.

"HANDS UP!!!!!!"

I turned to face the guards,I let out a loud and powerful Canary cry and they flew back and were down.

I turned back to the tubes but they were gone.

"Who are you!!!!"

I look to see the boy no more than 14 holding a gun.

"Why are you here are you here to do more test on us!?!" The girl shouted.

"No I'm here to help,I'm the Black Siren."

They still didn't move.

Dad will kill me for doing this,I took my mask off.

"My name is Lindy Wayne and I am your guys older sister"

They looked like they seen a ghost.

"What ?" I looked around,before I was all the way around they ran and hugged me.

"We thought you were dead"Sara sobbed.

"Don't leave us again"Phoenix said.

"I want now come on my team is looking for me",I put my mask on and they followed me but we were met with at least 12 guards.

"They will never leave!!!!!' A lieutenant laughed.

"Get behind me and cover you ears'They did as I said.

I let out another Canary cry and they guards were done,well two more showed.

I took my staff out,I ran to them and took them down in seconds flat.

"Woah"I turned to see my siblings shocked.

"Come on"We made it outside and there was Superboy,Artemis and Nightwing.

"Your okay" Artemis wrapped me in a hug.

"This must be your siblings,Hi I'm Conner I was from here also"

Hello they said.

Dick didn't wait to hug them both.

"Lindy who's this ?" Phoenix asked.

Your older Brother Dick I said.

"Cool more siblings"He chuckled.

"You know Thomas is gonna be bouncing off the walls and Tim will have a heart attack" Kon said.

"Well Tim should have brought his a** here I said getting pissed.

The two looked at each other then back at me",Sara was about to speak but I answered for her.

Tim is my fiance and Thomas is my son I said.

Ohh they said.

Well I'm tired thanks for your guys help but I think I'll take them home with me.

We left and Tim was waited for me.

"I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset".He kissed me but I cleared my throat.

"You weren't joking" he said and I gave him a bitchy smile.

"So how old are you two if I may ask he looked to Sara and Phoenix.

14 Phoenix answered.

16 Sara said.

"Well I am sure Bruce will want to me you tomorrow"I said.

"And Probably your Mom too" Tim said.

I nodded and I yawned.

Okay I'l so you two where you will sleep we will have to get you some clothes tomorrow.

We had another room with two beds so they would sleep there,I checked on Thomas and Alison then I went to sleep I didn't even so anything else to Tim,I was that tired.

*I hope you all enjoyed and let me know if you like me to write with the (") More.*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now