Chapter 9

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*That's Elena*

{Lindy POV}

I was if I should tell Tim I had feelings for him.

What if it ends wrong or he hates me,I looked at Aiden and Elena as they were eating popcorn and listening to me.

" I don't think you should date your brother but that's just me."

Well your brother so ya you'd be against it.

I think you should do what makes you happy Elena said throwing a piece of popcorn in Aiden's mouth.

Okay I'm gonna tell him now I said walking to his room.

{Tim POV}

Me and Stephanie were a little busy but someone knocked on my door.

Tim you should get that Stephanie said braking away from the kiss.

No they can come back later,I was about to kiss her again but the knocking happened again.

Tim answer the door she chuckled.

No I don't want to leave your lips.

Fine then I will,I rolled off her and she went an answered the door.

Hello can I help you she said.

I couldn't hear her but after a few minutes she came and sat next to me,Tim it's for you.

I walked to the door and their was Lindy.

What I do for you I asked.

I wanted to tell you something but never mind.

I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

Tell me I said looking into her blue eyes.

Look your busy and it doesn't matter she was about to walk away but I stopped her.

Please Lindy tell.


What ever it is I won't be mad I said.

I'm in  love with you she said

I sighed and looked at her. Lindy I'm kind of with someone I said,I saw the hurt in her eyes and it really hurt me to say that.

I understand she said leaving before I could say anything else.

So what was that about Stephanie said grabbing my shoulders.

Nothing I said walking back in the room.

{Lindy POV}

I walked back in my room and Aiden was gone he had a date with Zatanna,but Elena was still in my room.

She looked up from her phone and ran and hugged me.

I'm sorry she said.

I was to late I said.

It's okay there are plenty of fish in the sea.

I cried on her shoulder.

{Dick POV}

Bruce called us all do to the cave,I wasn't in the best mode I just left the hospital Barbara was shot and parlayzed by Joker.

I looked over and saw Tim and Stephanie laughing and just being cute but Lindy was said and looked like she would kill Stephanie.

He gave us our mission to search Gotham for Joker and we all left.

I walked over to Lindy.

You okay I asked.

What do you think she said and walked out of the cave.

I sighed because she was my sister but because but I hate seeing her this way it makes me sad and angry.

I followed after her but I made sure she didn't know I was.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now