Chapter 3

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{Lindy POV}

I fell out of bed,and I did really some how fell out of the queen size bed.

Maybe that was a sign saying I need to get my lazy butt out of bed it was 10 in the morning.

I threw on a floral black ,blue dress,and some sandales and went downstairs.

"Morning" I heard it was Damian who just finish doing seat-ups.

"Morning" I said looking around.

He got,follow me he said.

I followed him to the dinning room.


"What ? " he said.

"This is bigger than my old apartment put together" I explained sitting next to Damian.

"Well I have seen bigger" he said.

"Morning" Dick said walking and taking a seat.

"Morning" we said back.

Why so cheery I asked.

It is just happy Damian rolled his eyes.

"Do you too not get along ?"

They looked at eachother then back at me.

"No there like partners in crime" we heard.

I looked to the door to see a guy taller than Dick,he had black hair with a white fringe,he also had green eyes like Damian but they looked a bit darker.

"You must be Lindy,I'm Jason your better looking and badass one out of the idiots here" he said kissing my hand.

"Okay" I said slowly.

"What are doing here Todd  ?"Damian spoke in a way I can't dead-pin.

"I had to see my new siblings" he said.

Dick and Damian looked at him as if he had said a dumb joke.

"Okay I need a place to stay for two weeks also."

"Well your are always welcome here Jason you know that,"I looked to see Bruce walking in the room taking his seat at the head of the table.

"Morning Everyone" he said straighting his tie.

"Morning we said.

Soon Alfred came out the kitchen with waffles,eggs,bacoon and a bowl of fruit.

We started eating and Aiden and Tim came in the room laughing their heads off.

"Look who became best friends Dick ",said shoveling  food into his mouth.

"Well Tim is really funny Aiden" said sitting down next to him.

I smiled at them.

I really wasn't hungry anymore so I just played on my phone.

"So I have a business meeting in a hour,Dick is heading back to Bludheaven so Jason would mind taking the twins to pick up so clothes, stuff for their rooms and whatever else they may need."

"Sure Brucie ."I said smirking at a pissed off Bruce.

"Father can I buy a O Katana"

"We will see Damian."

"But you let Drake get a new motorcycle that costs the same price."

"I said we will see."

Damian left the table after that."

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now