Chapter 21

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*I am not gonna name my chapters anymore because it takes a long time to think of a title I just wanted you all to known*

{Lindy POV}

I woke up with a sharp pain in chest,I looked down to see a boy with raven black hair sound asleep on my chest.

Who is.....I am able to see some of his face and I see it's Damian.

Oh,I try to move to my right but I get a face full of arm pit,I see that it's Tim.

Really you two I say quitely.

I move to my left and I hit my head on someone's back,I lift my head a little and see it's Dick.

Oh come on I sigh,I try to move down but my feet hit something.I see another sleeping body.

Jason I breath out.

Why the HELL are they in my room and in my bed.

I remember after me and Tim talk the other two came back from a mission and Damian though we could watch a movie.Seeing as I was gonna do that anyway we watched in my room and that's probably how this happened.

I tap Damian's head and all he did was suggle up and kept sleeping.

Let me think who is a light sleppier.

I saw Tim's arm pit and started to chuckle,I started to tickle him and he laughed and rolled off the bed with a thump.

He reameged and he was not pleased,I pointed to my problems and he got it he pulled Damian off.



I got off my bed and looked at the three still sleeping.I can't beileve you guys jacked my bed.

Tim started laughing his head off.

You do have the best bed in the house beside Bruce and Alfred.

Oh sure I said and he laughed again.

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth when I walked out Tim was texting on his phone.


Yes he looked up.

You talk to Cassie.

No he said.

You two still dating I asked unsure why.

I don't know I mean she did hurt Damian but I do love her,he sighs and rubs his temples.

Come you need food.

What about them he asks as we walk downstairs.

More for us I say and chuckled.

We got downstairs and their was Alfred laying a plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

We smiled at each other and ran to the table.

He smiled as we started grabbing pancakes,so we had gone threw a whole plate by ourself he brought another plate out and the other we tired and grumpy.

PANCAKES They yelled.

They sat down and ate,I got up and went to shower and get dressed.

{Dick POV}

How long have you two been up I say stuffing a pancake in my mouth.

A hour or so we really just ate and talked Tim said.


Yup should have woke up and with that he got up and left.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now