Chapter 17

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{Lindy POV}

I walked downstairs to the sounds of groans and yelling,I walked into the kitchen where the boys were yelling at Bruce and him back at them.

Was it always like this I whispered to Alfred as he handed me a plate of pancakes.

I am afraid so Miss Wayne.

I put my plate on the table and pulled all their ears and they stopped.

OWWW they all said.

WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING!!!!!! I yelled.

Because father wants us to go to a gala that the league planned.

Okay so,don't you go to galas you should be uset to them I said.

Look you are going and that is the end of it.Dad left the room and so did Alfred.


Yes you are I said.

Fine but only for you he said and left.

I got up and walked towards my room when someone grabbed my arm,I was about to attack when I saw it was Tim.

Oh hey I kissed him but he didn't kiss back.

Is their something wrong I asked and he sighed.

Lindy I..I..

Tim whatever you need to tell me you can I said and smiled.

I want to break up he said.

Expect that I said and started laughing thinking he was joking but I soon noticed he wasn't.

WAIT WHAT I yelled.

I have fallen in love with some one else and I kissed her and I don't want to hurt you he said.

To late I said and walked away.

I grabbed the covers of my bed and cried all day.


I looked to see Elena at my window and she could tell something was wrong,I told her and she was pissed she left my room and returned with Jason,Dick and Damian.

Tell them what you just told me I said.

I told them and the same thing happened.

Jason took the gun from his side and clocked it.

Him and Damian left and Elena went with them.

Dick next to me.

Hey it's gonna be okay,I looked at him and cried into his shoulder and he comforted me.

Then why do I hurt so much.


{Elena POV}

Dad said I had to go too.Fuck

I put on a black and gold slim dress that was my mother's but she never wore it.

I walked into Lindy's room and she was still sad but she looked amazing in her red dress.(The dress at the very top.)

You are so pretty I am jealous of you I said.

I don't know why I can't keep a boyfriend to save my life.

Okay no we are not having that you will have fun and we will start will your date.

In case you forgot Tim broke up with me she said.

Well I have a date for you.

Really she said standing up and fixing her dress.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now