Chapter 31

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{Red Hood POV}
Spoiler and I are on a steak outside of a know warehouse where death stroke is know to hide at.

You sure he's here Spoiler asked.
No but we need to be sure that we don't miss anything,he already kill one of us and now the brats hanging on to dear life.if I get a change to kill this sick bastard I will.

I grappled to the roof of the ware house.
Oracle and ideas about entering Spoiler asked through the com link.

The place is heavily guard,Red Hood you have to go in slowly not guns ablazing.

Your no fun I whined.

Spoiler there is a central air unit you two can enter from,from there you will need to crawl left and then drop down into his office.

Thanks Oracle that shouldn't be that hard Spoiler complaint.

Speak for your self Barbie  I smirked and I could tell she know I was under the helmet.

We followed Oracle's instructions and dropped down into his office.
We got a problem I said taking out my guns.

That would be Oracle asked.

Looks like they were having a party I chuckled and started fighting.

And we just crashed it Spoiler so smiled.


Spoiler drop kicked the last guy and I was going through his files.

Anything she began looking at the papers on his desk.

Nothing,this guy is covering his tracks.

He may not even be in Gotham anymore she said.

Did Robin say DeathStroke or Deadshot she asked.

Does Robin even know DeadShot.

Will he has sword wounds and cuts so it makes a lot of since I handed over the passport.

Will let's notify the bats I grappled out the window and headed for my bike.

{Lindy POV}

Yay I'm okay Dick it's just a lot to sink in,is all.

I know I was hoping we were done with Deathstroke

Well surprise keep popping up I said.

So you said the kids aren't there he asked

No their at my mom's for a few nights,I send there work to her place but I don't want any chance of something happening to them I said,I started to feel sick but I kept it to myself.

Well I have to go but let me know if their's anything you need.

Thanks Dick stay safe.

You too lil sis I'll call you tomorrow,night

Night.I hung up,I sat my phone on the kitchen counter and walked to the living room where the window was open.

I closed it and turned around to see Madison.

How Madison you scared me,why are you here you should be with your grandmother.

I know but I had some unfinished business.

Like I said.

Killing you.

Wait WHAT!!!


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