Chapter 18

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{Lindy POV}

I wake up to a soft feeling,I jump up and notice I am not on the couch but I am in a huge king size bed.

How did I....

I then smell something that made be tear up because it smelled so good,I got up and walked to the door I opened and checked both sides of the hall before following the smell.

I found myself in a kitchen and their was Jason cooking breakfast.

Your awake he says pouring some juice into a glass and handed it to me.

Thanks what time is it I ask before taking a big gulp of the orange juice.

It's like 9:30 why ?

No reason I take a seat on a bar stool.

Jason went back to cooking but looked at me then spoke.

What's the matter Lin.

I feel really bad for leaving the ball without telling Dad I trail off.

It's okay I called him last night after I woke up a hour after we fall asleep and he said okay,I'll take you home after you eat but I think something else is bothering you spill Lin,he put eggs on a plate with baccon and toast and handed it to me.

Thanks,I feel bad for slapping Tim.

Well Damian will probably pay you to do it again. 

I stopped talking and began to eat the i put my dishes in the sink.Do you have so clothes I can wear I ask him.He nods before he disappear and return with......girl clothes.

Jason is there something you want to tell me I smirk.

He thinks about it then he gets what I meant.

NO!!!!! This are Kory's.

Why is her clothes here and not at Dick's ?

Because she has stayed her after missions.

Oh,I walk back to his room and I change into the black lace crop top,shorts and flip-flops.

I walk out and Jason has changed also.

Ready to go,Yay.

I put your dress and stuff in the car you can take the pjs he says opening the door for me.

I'll leave them here in case I stay here again.

We walk downstairs and we get into his red Lamborghini and we speed off to the manor.

I get out and thank him,I ask if he is coming in but he says that he has to meet up with Roy.I wave and he drives off.

I walk to the front door where Alfred is waiting.

There you are Miss Wayne Master Wayne has been worried sick about you.

Sorry Al I had to get away from so issues but I am all good.

I see I will take that for you,I hand him my dress from last night and I walk to the cave where Dad is on the computer and Damian is training with Aiden.

YOUR ALIVE my brothers yell before they tackle me in a hug.

Yes I  am back now let go for you chock me I chuckle.They let go and I walk over to father and hug him.

Hello Lindy how was your visit with Jason he asked.

It was fun,where's Tim and Dick?

Mt Justice he answered.


You left a nice bruise on Tim's face.

I'm so sor....

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now