Chapter 62

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*The baby will be born in the chapter or so just wanted you all to have a heads up.*

{Lindy POV}

"Okay Miss Wayne the baby looks healthy come back in two weeks."

"Thank you Dr Tompkins."

"You are very welcome,I remember when your grandparents came here for your father."She chuckled.

"Thank you again."Tim smiled.

"I will see you in two weeks." She left the room then I got dressed and we went to the manor.

"So are you ready to have your foot back in cast ?" I laughed.

"Ha Ha Ha I'm laughing my ass off."Tim rolled his eyes.

We stopped at the manor,I pulled the selves on my sweater and just look at the estate.

"Lindy you okay ?"

"Ya it's just the last time this happened it wasn't real Tim and I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom,I'm only 19!!" I said a little louder than I wanted to.

"Lindy I understand but unlike last time I'm not going to turn into some kind of jerk I'm gonna be here for you and the baby no matter what." He got out the car closed and walked around to my side,he opened the door and helped me out.

"Thanks." I kissed his cheek


We walked inside to see Bruce reading the paper,Elena talking to Jason,and Dick and Damian playing a video game.

I cleared my throat and they all looked at us.

"We have a annocment." Tim said

"What your getting married ?" Damian grumbled.

"No." We both said.

"Then Lindy's pregnant and your worried that were going to kill you both." Dick said going back to the game.


"Yasss I'm getting a niece or Nephew.WOAH!!!!!' Elena was jumping up and down.

"Congrats." Jason smirked.

"I knew Miss Wayne had a special glow to her."Alfred smiled.

"Wow and I thought Kyle would be the first to have a kid."

"Yayy..Wait WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!" She started chasing Damian throught out the house.

"I got Damian." Dick got up.

"I got Elena." Jason followed.

Alfred left to finish dinner and the only one left was Dad who hadn't said anything.

"Dad ?"

"Hmm" He looked up at us.

"Are you mad at us Bruce ?" Tim took a step closer.

"No I'm not.Just shocked that I'll be a grandfather before Clark." He chuckled.

"Ya." I ran and hugged him.

We went upstairs and we went in my room.

"Well that was easier then I thought." I went in my closet and changed into pjs.

"Ya,hey I'm going out you want anything ?"

"Some ice cream please."

"Lindy." He warned.

"Please Timmy." I whined.

"Okay,Cookie dough ?"

"Of course,thank you you are a wonderful boyfriend." I kissed his cheek.

"So I keep hearing." He left my room then I laid on my bed and soon dift to sleep.

I woke up around five with a text from Danny.

Hey meet me in the cave


I went downstairs to the cave and there he was training.He was practicing on the tie rope.

"You training to be the next next Robin ?" I chuckled.

He smirked then did a back flip landing a foot from me.

"Maybe I'll be the best." He smirked.

"What about Dami ?"I said in baby voice

"Ya.I forgot about that."

"Is there a reason I had to come down here ?"

"Ya can you help me with my suit ?"


"Wow that easy."

"What was I suppose to say no ?" I raised brow.

"No it's just we I lived with my other family they never would help so I learned to do things on my own." He finished walking over to his suit.We started on the suit and we were done it was around nine.

*It basically looks like Robin's Arkham Knight suit but all black.*

We went upstairs,Alfred said that everyone was busy today but Emily and Dick were here.

"So any names yet ?" Dick asked.


"Maybe you could name yourself the Dark Wing."

"No Dick no." Danny shock his head.

I'm taking a nap."

"Have fun." Emily said eating some ice cream.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now