Chapter 5

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{Lindy POV}

"Are you crazy?" Aiden whisper yelled.

" Maybe but being the Blue Siren it was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders and I really want to to go out again and help people."

I rubbed his temples.

"Let's say I agree how would you hide your costume?"

Will the one I wore at the mall I got rid of and I have a new one more Black Canary.

Okay fine be a hero but I don't want to be he said and I gave him the twin look.

Okay fine I do but I don't know where to start.

{Talon POV}

We jumped roof to roof.

I wish we had grappling hooks I said almost missing a leap.


Their was a woman about to get mugged,after you I said.

She jumped down onto the fire escape and then to the alley.

LET HER GO!!!! She yelled.

The mugger let the woman go and the woman ran away.

The mugger fired his gun but she dodged the bullet and hit him with her billy club,he took out a knife and tried to cut her.

She kicked it out of his hand and did a sucker punch.

You little bitc-

I was about to jump down but she had it handled.

Watch your mouth.

She let out a sonic scream and he flew to the dumpster and head his head.

That looked fun I said.

It was now let go she said climbing the ladder and we started walking until we heard this.


We turned around to see Batman and Robin.

To help your.....

I don't know how you got that sonic scream but it doesn't matter,your not a hero your gonna get yourself killed Batman said.

We can handler ourselves I said.

Really Robin said charging me.

I smirked at him and I saw he was about to kick me square in the face so I moved and grabbed his foot I twirled him around before I threw him into a A/C unit.


Come get me bird boy.

He was about to charge me when Batman stopped him.

I am only gonna warn you one more Time to stop,Lindy he smirked.

What I am......wait who's................Okay fine you got me.

She took off the mask and wig.

Than that makes you Aiden Robin said.

Well know how do you know who we are,but we don't know who you are.

Batman and Robin smirked before threw smoke down but this wasn't reagular smoke this made us fall to the ground.

{Tim POV}

I was training with Babs when the batmoblie rode up.

Bruce and Damian hopped out and then took out to people from the back.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now