Chapter 56

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{Tim POV}

I was looking through some of the files when I heard footsteps.


I hid in a cabinet and I could just barely see the person.

"Tim you can come of of the cabinet and FYI that's the first place they would look for you." Lindy smiled.

"What are you doing here!?!"

"Dick told me that you were in trouble so I came here as fast as I could."

"Well he lied.I don't need yours and anyone else help." I walked over to the over side of the room.

"What's your problem?"

"Look why don't you go back to your Duke or what ever his title is." I know found a paper that didn't add up with the others.

"Oh I get it know your jealous."

"What I am not jealous!" She was really starting to piss me off.

"Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes.

They doors opened and two foot men ran in.


"Wrong person." Lindy screamed and the flew back and hit the wall.

"Okay Tim you don't have all day." Three more ran and she started fighting them,I grabbed all the papers and sent photos to Bruce. then I helped her.

"That wasn't so bad was it ?" He didn't say anything.

"Sorry Kiddys looks like your luck ran out." A female voice said.

The room was filled with green gas before everything went Black.

I woke up to darkness and the smell of french fries.Then the light came back in a rush.

He I tried to move but I was tied to something.

"Who ever you are SO YOURSELF!!!!!"




I turned my head and I saw Lindy gaged.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded then the sound of heels filled the room.

"Well it looks like your both awake. The female voice said.

I know that voice anywhere.


"Oo Smart and Handsome it's a shame that you'll have to die soon." She chackled.

At this point I would want to here Joker's laugh.

Then two more sets of footsteps filled the room.

"Wayne is Dead!" A deep male voice said.


"Ah good to see you again may dear and see's you have brought a boy with you."

"Aa you replaced me Lindy." The Duke's son chuckled.

"Let her go!" I yelled.

He slapped me.

"You will speak when spoken to." The Duke said.

The boy walked closer to Lindy.

"You could have been a Dutchess some day but it's a shame all that beauty wasted." He laughed.

"A for the record my name was never Drake." And with that he left.

"Well now we have to kill them Dear." Dutchess laughed.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now