Chapter 64

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{Lindy POV}

I was fixing some dinner for Tim and I.We just moved into this three bedroom apartment in the nicer part of Gotham but saying a place is nicer doesn't make it any safer.

I wasn't in the best of moods.I had gonna a call from Dad telling me that Conner was dead.At first I couldn't I wouldn't believe that my older brother was dead.

He can't be gone.Conner was like another brother to me,I couldn't image how Tim was taking it.

I finished the sandwiches,I brought one to Tim who also hasn't been in the best of moods,he been taking it all really hard.

"Tim ?"


"I brought you some food."


"Tim I know it's hard,loosing Conner, Dick but he would kick your ass for not taking care of yourself.

"..I can I be alone for a little."He looked at the ground."


I left Tim to be alone in the bedroom I walked into Courtney's room,she had just turned seven months and I felt like she could use a sibling later down the road.

But I was told after having Courtney my changes of having another kid were very slim since I got really sick the last week of my pregnancy.

"Hey baby girl whatcha doing ?"

She cooied

"Okay are you hungry ?" She giglgled. I took her hand and took her to the kitchen I gave her a bottle and I sat on the sofa and started watching How to Get Away with Murder.

1 week later.

I was now at the Hellen Show for my first interview to talk about life and being the newest model.

"You know her from being the daughter of the richest man in the world and now she became one of Americans Hottest Models.Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Lindy Wayne.

I walked on the stage and the first thing you see are the five cameras and the studio audiences.

I walked over to Hellen and gave her a hug.I sat in the white comfy seats and the interview began.

"Well Welcome First of all it's nice to have a Wayne on the show I tried for years to get your father on this show but I think he's camera shy." She started

"Ya he's not the biggest fan of talk shows." I smiled

"So you went from being a rising singer on Youtube to being a M.I.L.F. Basically."

"Ya in a way,I remember going home to visit and my younger brother had a friend over and there like 16ish and his friend was like your sister hot.

And I heard him and I in the back of my mind am thinking aw,but then my daughter walks up to me and ask for something I think gun something like that and I hear him say no way your sisters is a M.I.L.F."

*Crew and audiences laughs*

"And I'm standing like what's a Milf."

"And I'm sure you found out and what was your reaction."

"At first I creeped out then I was flattered."

*Audiences laughs again."

"Well I would be too, that's why I never had kids.Any way what does your father think about you being Model of the Year,first off congratulations."

"Audiences claps.*

I have a small smile and blush."Aa thank you."

"Well what does he think about it ?"

"He's very proud."

"Well that's good now heard through the grape vine that you have a lot of siblings." She asked more than she stated.

"Ya.I have a older brother who's 27,another older brother who's 25,my twin brother.My younger brother who's about to turn 17,my oldest sister just turn 20 two days ago,another sister who is now 18 that's it.

"Wow a lot of brothers I'm sure there really protective of all you girls." She looked surprised.


"And I heard you had a little girl."

"Yes she just turned seven months a week ago and she is the cutiest thing ever."

"I can tell you she'll have Grandpa wrapped around her finger." She chuckled.

"Ya she already does and she can't even talk yet." I laughed.

"Well ya Grandparents alway spoil there Grand children it's a way of life."


"Well thank you for coming in and be sure to catch Lindy in her new Movie Vampire Slayer's III: The Van Helsing's Return coming in threaters October 17.

*The cword cheered and clapped*

I soon hopped in the black SUV and it was taking me to the Manor.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now