Chapter 40

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Six Months later

{Lindy POV}

I know you wanted us to grow up to be strong mom.

Lindy I am going on a important Mission with the league.

I and I promise to take care of Sara and Phoenix

I will be back in a week's time.I was wondering if your siblings could stay with you and Tim while I am away ?

I also what you to know that I may never be able to live up to the legacy you set as The Black Canary,but I will try.

Thank you Lindy,I love you so much,I will check on Aiden before I leave I will see you soon.

And then at the end of the week..Batman carried your body home and I...I..I couldn't live with myself knowing that I could saved you,I started to chock up.

I sighed and looked at her grave.

Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world.I turned around to see my brother and sister waiting with Tim and Thomas,I walked over to them and Sara me.

Why...Lin-dy we just got her back Sara sobbed.

It's not f--a-ir I know Sar,but we to go on. I told her.

Here I want you to have this,I gave her Mom's Black Canary Jacket.


I have already made a name for my self as the Siren,and I think the Canary suits you I smiled.

Thank you she said hugging me again,I walked over to Phoenix who had been hugging Tim.

I hugged him.

And I want you to have this.

I gave him a ring that Mom wanted Aiden to have but he didn't want it.

This ring was your great grandfather's I said to him.

I never lose it he said.

I took Thomas from Tim.Come on it's Time to go,it time for Mom to rest I said.

They all started to walk and took one last look at Mom's grave and waved goodbye and for a second I thought I saw her sprit wave by to me also.

Goodbye Mom,I'll always keep you in here(Her Heart.)

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now