Chapter 65

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{Lindy POV}

I was reading a book,sitting in a armchair my the fireplace in Wayne Manor.I looked over my book and there was Damian teaching Courtney how to talk.

"Say I will destroy you Drake." He looked proud I didn't want to crush his dream that she probably can't say that for another year.

"You do know she's one and a half.Right ?" Dick walked in the room and she crawled over to him.

"Aww how's my favorite niece ?" He picked her up and start talking like he was a baby or has Damian puts a retarded person.

"Grayson you are destroying what little proud you still have." He folded his arms and had a scowl on his face,probably from the baby going over to Dick.

"Will doesn't matter as long as I'm the favorite Uncle.Wanna go bug Grandpa Bruce ?" She nodded before laying on his shoulder.

"Later guys."He left and Damian went some where.

Beep Beep

I looked at my phone that was on the table beside me.

I looked at it and there was a text from Unknown.

Your rocking the Mom Look but will you live till her graduation,let's see if you can survive my course Bitch

We the HELL!!!

"Okay Lindy it's probably someone being a dickhead." I stood up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water,i had downed half of it by the time I got another text.

If you don't want your daughter hurt then meet me where your first kill was.

Now I'm PISSED! No one and I MEAN NO ONE Threaten my daughter.

I went into the living room and grabbed my purse which also had my suit in it,I found Dad reading a picture book to Courtney.

"And this is a...

"Cow." She cheered.


"Ya ?"

"I..uhm need to run a errand can you watch her ?"

"Of course."

"Thanks Dad." I grabbed the keys to my bike which is in the garage,I zoomed threw the streets,I finally made it to the alley way that I was told to go to.I had found a dumpster and change into Black Siren behind it.

I looked around,the alley was blocked off at one end by a wooden fence,the there was another way out a little more up and to the left,there was graffiti,and trash pulling over.

What a dump

There was also a faded chalk out line and a few pieces of old police tape towards the blocked off wall.

"I see you got my invitation." A deep voice the wasn't real but a modifier but it really doesn't matter.

I turned to see a person in all black,it looks to be a man but I can't tell.

"WHAT the fuck do you want ?!?"

"You Dead."

"Well buddy your gonna have to get in line." I took my staff out and charged the person,they ended up knocking me to the ground.

"Is that the best you can do ? I don't see how you can defeat anyone."

That got me a little tick of.

"I'll show you." I ran and charged them again,this time punching the person in the face,I then kneed them in the gut.

"I took the person's arm and twisted back and pushed them against a wall.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now