Chapter 60

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{Lindy POV}

After I was dressed I decided to hid to the warehouse that Evelyn stayed at.Once I got there the place looked abandon.

"Hello ?"

"Hola." I turned to see her standing in all black.

"Miss me ?"


"Ya I know you did lin. So how's the fam ?" She jumped onto a old couch.

"Good.Why are you here ?"

"Because I missed my big sis." She batted her eye lashes.

"No I mean why in this place."

"Oh.No rent."

"Huh uh."

"So does he know ?" She smirked.


"Does your techy boy toy know what you did ?"

"I don't-

"Look you may be a blonde know but your not dumb,don't you remember what you did to me."

"SHUT UP! Nobody knows and nobody is going to know.It wasn't my fault it just happened."

"Ya right you planned it from the start" She laughed.

"You always hated me and I did nothing to you." I was trying to stand my ground but that wasn't happening.

"You RUINED MY LIFE BITCH!So know I'll ruin yours.You can tell them or I will your choose." She turned and life.

What am I gonna do ?

I sat in my SUV outside of my old apartment,the one where I met Dick and Tim at.I remember the day I shot my "father",I later learned that he survived and was sent to Arkham.

I learned how to picklocks so I walked into the old apartment and looked around.

It was the way we left it,I walked into my old room,the wallpaper was pealing,the floor boards old,but the bullet case were still there along with the white stained rug with my "father's" blood.

I walked over to my bed,cover in dust and mildo,I pulled the wooden box out and opened it,inside was my old year book,a locket and some papers.

I looked in and found nothing.

I need to know why she hates me so much ?

I walked into the old office which had seen better days,I searched and read old files.

Until I found a folder labled. Evelyn's Medical Treatments

I read in and I nearly felt sick,Evelyn was sent to Arkham for four long years,the reason was because she tried to kill me.

But know it all started to come back,I wasn't the best sister.



"You did such a good job." Mom hugged Evelyn.

"You were amazing Princess."

"Thanks Dad."

"Who know you could act." Aiden said.

"Well she could have better."

"Lindy that's no way to talk to your sister." Mom scolded.

"Whatever." We went out for pizza and were finished with dinner and mom ordered brownies,we ate them and there was one left so I went for it but Evelyn took.

"Bitch that was mine."

"Oh well." She ate.

"You should be a lot nicer Lindy." Aiden warned.

"Doesn't matter that bitch will get what's coming to her,I'm sick of her getting what she wants."

"She's younger than you,you are going to annoy over a brownie,I will make you some if it makes you stop bitching."

"it's not just that,ever time I want to go somewhere,or buy something she has to have it to."

"That's called be fair." He rolled his eyes.

"You don't get it cause your the only boy,she's always been mom and dad's favorite."

"I don't have time for this I have home work to finish." He left and I laughed.

She has been a throne in my side,she needs to go.

*End of Flashback*

I gulped I know remember what happened next.


Two weeks later

I was by the pool and so was she,I had been looking for my sliver hair pin and she had it,I marched over to her and took it.

"Hey that was holding my hair together!!!" She tried to take it back.

"By your own!"

She got really mad."Give it back!!!"

"Oo whatcha gonna do ?"

Big mistake.

We fought and she shoved me,I shoved her and shoved me really hard and I hit my head on the outside of the pool,then fell in the water.

I heard a loud scream then Aiden pulled me out.

Dad wrapped me in a towel while Mom took Evelyn away.

They were worried,since the had a rep of being the prefect family,they couldn't have a crazy daughter,so they sent her to Arkham.

After that my Mom blamed her self,Dad hated me and Aiden didn't take to me much either.Deep down the all know I had something to do with it,but I may have really dislike her but I never wanted her to go to Arkham.

She was there for four years,she was there when Mom got sick,she was released for her funeral and sent right back.

*End of Flashback*

I cried.

I ruined her life,and it's all my fault.

"Glad you know what you did." She smirked.

"Why why are you here."

"To do one simple thing,to kill you."

She pulled out a gun and I kicked it out of her hand,I punched and ran out the apartment.

I tried to open my car,but my keys were inside.

Dam it

I walked down the alleyway and of course my luck it was blocked off.

"Let's see how well you can fight."

He fought each other but she moved like someone I remember.

"Wouldn't Dad me proud you put your own sister in a nut house."

She did a spinning kick and I landed on the ground.

She did a Canary cry,and let me tell it's fun to be on the other end of it.

I was a little dizzy but I heard he clock a gun.

"Say good night sis."

I heard a gun shot,and everything went black.

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