Chapter 69

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{Clark POV}

I know Bruce is gonna kill me for not telling him his daughter is alive but it's not my secret to tell.

"So you were on the plane ?" I asked

She nodded.We were standing on my parents front porch,she hadn't said much since we left the diner.

"So are you going back to Gotham ?"

"I don't know my family thinks I'm dead why not let them keep thinking that I could start over somewhere. Maybe a nice couple who live on a farm would take me in."She smiled

"Ma maybe Pa,oh my god he would never let you leave he so overprotective but he means well." I chuckled.

"Yeah." She sighed deeply,and a gust of window blew by.

"Thanks for the talk Uncle Clark but I have to go."She began to walk down the porch.

"Where are you going ?"

"Star City." She threw her book bag on her shoulders,and put her baseball cap on.

If something happens to her and Bruce finds out that I knew she was here she,I will have a very scary big bat breathing down my neck.

"Hey Lindy I have to go to Metropolis for a bit I can take to Star from there."

"You sure your not worried my Dad will kill if something happens to me ?" She smiled.

"That too."I packed up the car and drove to Metropolis,I opened the door and John walked over to me.

"Dad who's she ?"

"Son this Lindy,your cousin. You know Uncle Bruce ?"

"Yea " He titled his head

"Well I'm his daughter." She smiled.

"Oh." He started to turn pink when Lindy hugged him. And I knew why,he has a crush on her isn't that cute.

{Lindy POV}
Johnny asked me to play video games with him,I did and I found out that he is Clark and Lois' son,and that he did get powers like Clark.

"Oh brother Perry's gonna have my--

I turned to see aunt Lois

"Oh brother." Johnny sighed.

"Here we go going."


Clark came out of the room,he changed into a sweater,jeans and sneakers."Dear everything is okay."

"HOW is are dead niece alive after we buried her two years ago!!"

Wait I've been dead 2 years,wow times flies when you die.

I sighed,what was I thinking even if I get back to Gotham who would believe me.

"Mom why are you being judgmental,you always taught me not to judge others."Johnny frowned.

"Well I.....she sighed

"Lois why don't you let her explain."Clark spoke again. She nodded and sat down I began to tell her what I remember from my death and how I came back.

"You know that's not the strangest think I heard."

"Really ?"

"Do you see who I married right." She smiled.

After that was done Clark made dinner we ate then all of us went to the bus station.

"You know I can just drive you there." Clark looked in the mirror.

"That's okay,I could some traveling,and thank you for everything."

"Anytime." Lois smiled.

I hugged Johnny and waved to Lois and Clark,I snook on the bus to Star,I sat in the back so no one would know I was here.

Three hours later

I got off the bus,it was now night in Star City,it walked down the street,it knew that the first Arrow lair wasn't there anymore.

I did make it to a penthouse that I knew that Aunt Thea brought.I walked in and there was no one in the the room.

"Look Thea I just want you to be safe."

"Ollie I can take care of my self."

"WHO HERE !!!!" Oliver yelled. Curse you training

I stepped out the shadows and the. Both gasped.

"Surprise." I smiled.

*So guys I wanted to tell you this book is ending on Chapter 75,but don't worry this isn't the last of Black Siren.For those who have been reading the new DC Rebirth you may know what I am doing but that's all I'm saying for now I hope you enjoyed.*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now