Chapter 19

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{Lindy POV}

It's been three months since Tim ran away.No has heard or seen him I miss him he gone and it's all my fault.

I climb out of my bed in Mt Justice,Cassie left also.

I walked to Tim's room and sat on his bed.

Jerk-face it's time to come home.

I think back to some of the fun memories.

*It was Dick's Birthday,Flashback*

We sneak into his room,he was sound asleep.

We walked over to him.


He looked at us and rolled his eyes,I nodded to Tim and he threw the water on Dick.We ran so fast Barry would be jealous.

GET BACK HERE He yelled I could tell he had a smirk on his face,we led him to the living room.

Why are you two running Barbara asked.

Then a laughing,dripping wet and mad 23 year old walked in.

Ohh she let out and laughed.

Dick tackled Tim and got him all wet then they smirked and looked to me and Babs.

NO!!!!!! We ran around most of the morning from them.

*End of Flashback*

I get up and walk over to his dresser where their is a picture of him and Damian for once smiling at each other.I remember taking the photo.



No you took mine you broke yours.

Hey can I take a photo of you two.

NO!!! they said.

Please I flash my blue eyes.

Fine make it quick.

Yes I love the Wayne Eye's,lucky Aiden has Green but those  are rare so why not.

We go out by the pool and I am about to take the photo and notice they are only part in frame because they are out of focus.

You need to get closer I said.

A inch doesn't cut it.

Oh yay Two inches.

I walk over and push them together.

There I am about to take the picture but Damian looks like he could kill Tim and Tim looks like I killed his cat.

Smilie Please.

They made their faces look more pissed.

This is stupid,they yelled.

Please just one of you guys similing.


Then Jason through Dick into the pool from the roof.

They were dying of laughter so I took serval pictures of them laughing and similing.

*End of Flashback*

I leave his room and head home.

{Damian POV}

I kept looking at Drake's Red Robin costume,has much as we fight I do like him and miss him.

I haven't been on patrol in a week but I don't care I just want Drake to come back.

I remember a time when Tim I mean Drake comforted me when I was sad.


I was in my room crying over something I did,I made Grayson really mad at me and I was sad that he ignored me but I didn't mean to.

I heard my door creep open but I didn't look up.

Damian ?

I know that wasn't Grayson's voice or father's.

I didn't answer.

I felt my door shut and i though he left,I look up to see Drake concerned.

What do you want,I try to sound better but he can tell I am sad.

He sets on my bed and looks at me.

Damian what's wrong,please tell me.

I..I broke Grayson's family photo from the circus and that was all he had left.

He hugged me.

It's okay Damian,look you and Dick are close so it won't take long for him to forgive.

So I fault better and left.

*End of Flashback*

I heard a bike roar I turned around and there he was.

Hey Damian what movie do you want to......

Lindy stopped mid-sentence and we ran and hugged him.

I missed you guys to.

Me and Lindy hit him in the arms.

Owww why me.

You were M.I.A. Jerk

Sorry can I talk to you Lindy.

Why we both ask.

For second.

Fine they leave and I am lost.

To be contuined..........

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