Chapter 29

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{Tim POV}

I grappled to a building across it was my penthouse it was five in the morning and the Titans and I just got back from a mission all the way in Paris,I had work with Wonder girl and she wasn't the Cassie I dated she was different like she was a different person.

I slide in the living room undeteched I walked to the kitchen I grabbed a glass of water and downed it.I took off my mask and walked back to the living room when I noticed I wasn't alone

"How long are you gonna sit in the dark dear".Lindy turned on a lamp she was in one of my button-up shirts that I do't wear much.

"I wasn't gonna say anything she" said walking over to me and giving me a quick peck on the lips she had her arms around my neck.

"How was the mission" she asked.

"We didn't catch Harvest but we will,how's Thomas," I ask changing the subject quickly.

"He's fine he just wanted to know where you were she" said walking over and picking up a few toys.

"We should we tell him" she asked.

"Tomorrow if you want."

"Okay tomorrow morning...or when you wake up" she chuckled.

I walked upstairs and stopped in his room,he was holding the bear Dick gave him and he was sound asleep.

I kissed his forehead and walked to my and Lindy's room,I took a shower and put on sweat pants and got in bed Lindy was looking out the window.

"Lin I know New York is beautiful but are you gonna come lay down" I ask cheekly.

She sat on the bed.

"I'll lay but I'm not tired" Timmy get some rest.

I dozed off while she was talking about how Bruce called to say sorry and some other things,we had only been out of the manor for a month and he is still trying to make it all better.

But I don't know how I will feel about Bruce only time will tell.

{Lindy POV}

I looked to see Tim sleep and then I walked to the window and looked at the city,I couldn't believe that I was a mom already.Mom had meet Thomas a few days ago and Dick and Kory visited Damian and Bruce hadn't seen Thomas since we left the manor.

It hurt that my father thought first I couldn't protect myself then he thought I couldn't take care of a child but at first it took time getting uset to it but still it's not easy but I love Thomas like he's my own son and Tim does too I can't wait for us to have kids but one kid at a time Lindy.

I know how tired he is.Working all day at a high company and then out with the titans but Bruce gives us money but Tim still wants to support us without Bruce's help and I can see why.

I walked around the room and pick up dirty clothes and then Thomas's room and then I start to do some laundry.

I walked back to our room and their was Tim's Red Robin costume,I picked it up and walked to our walk-in-wardrobe and in the back their is on his side a armor for his costume and gadgets,I walked to my side.I haven't be the Blue Siren in years I made a new costume.It was like the Black Widow from the movies but my belt was a Batman like belt,my mask was like the Laurel Lance Black Canary which isn't my mother at all nut I like the actress,and I had the Canary pin on the suit.

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