Chapter 15

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{Lindy POV}

I texted Aiden back and forth about his third date with Zatanna, but I was also watching Tim and Damian play Super Mash Brothers,my feet were on top on Jason's head as he snored the paint off the walls and Dick was doing some work for the police station he worked at.

"YOU CHEATED!!!!!!!!!" Damian shouted.

"Did not." Tim said in a childish tone

"You did!" Damian attacked Tim and I wasn't gonna stop them the last I did I was bitten and I got a busted lip so N.O. to NOoooooooo.

Jason moved and his head was crushing my foot.


He smirked and wouldn't give it back.

I took a throw pillow and threw it at Damian,he turned around ready to attack but he saw it was me and walked over.

I whispered for him to get a glass of ice cold water and pointed to Jason.

He smirked and ran into the kitchen.

He came back with a picture of ice cold water,I took it from him and hover it over Jason.

You better give my feet back or else.

He smirked and nuzzled my feet. Tim paused the game and was about to beat the crap out of him but Dick held him back.


I ran and so did Damian.

"YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD!" He yelled.

I ran to the backyard and so did Damian.

"WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I grabbed the garden hose. Dick and Tim were in the way so I got them and Jason got soaking wet.

"Your turn!" They all shouted

I ran for my life I had ran a mile from the manor and they weren't fair behind.

Do they run track or something.

I was running into the city now and I am sure they were fair behind but close.

I ran into a corner store and picked up some Fiji water and some gun,I paid the cashier with the ten dollar bill and he gave my change and I left.

My phone went off and I saw it was Tim.


"Where are you?" he said and I couldn't tell if he was worried or mad.

"I am like.....two blocks from Dad's work why?"

"Just meet us their and be careful."

I walked to Wayne Enterprise and I saw the boys across the waving for me to come on.I began walk across the street but I heard a car horn and I turn and the car speed up I froze.

"LINDY!!!!!!!!!!" My Jason shout.

It happened so fast

{Damian POV}

I walked outside with father after running from my brothers and I saw the imbeciles.

Father told them to tell Lindy to come on Alfred was waiting.

I pulled on father's jacket arm and he saw the fast car heading for Lindy.

My brother's saw it to and yelled her name.

She looked at us and the car struck her,she crashed onto the wind shield,rolled over the roof of the car,crashed into the back wind shield and landed on the ground.

The car speed off and people walked to the road and saw her.

Father and the boys ran over to her,I was froze Pennyworth put his hand on my shoulder,I looked at him and cried into his coat.

{Tim POV}

LINDY!!!! LINDY!!!! I kept calling her name but she wasn't and didn't move,Dick was on the phone with 911 and Bruce and I were trying to wake her without touching her.

Jason hopped in his car and went after the car.

I checked to see if she was breathing and she wasn't.

I tried CPR  and still nothing.

Then a ambulance arrived and we moved out of the way.

"We need to get her to the hospital sir."

They put her on a stretcher and took her to the ambulance,Bruce asked me to ride with her so I went with them to the hospital.

"We are gonna do everything we can to save her." the female paramedic  in the back said to me.

I didn't say anything I just looked at her.

{Jason POV}

I raced after the blue car.


The car turned right and I ran into the back of the car.

The car drove down a alley and I rammed it and it smashed into a dumpster.I clocked my gun and walked up to the car.

I  nearly took off the door of the hinges and pulled out the driver.


It was.......


*Who was it?

and will Lindy live?

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