Chapter 10

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{Lindy POV}

I slowly open my eyes,the bright light in the room was enough light for me to see but enough to drive a person insane with the constant flickering.

I stood up for the worst bed in the world and walked to the far wall in the room,I grabbed a piece of chalk and made a tally.This mark three years I had be missing and I am sure my family stopped looking for me,the probably think I dead a long time ago.

If only I listened to Dick I would be here,I started to tear up because all he wanted to do was help me but I was so angry and blind I didn't see that and now it's to late.


"BLUE!!!!! BLUE!!!!!!!!!"

"Leave me alone Nightwing",I grappled to a higher building to try and get away from him but once I land and looked up their he was.

I just want to be alone!!!!!!!!!

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"I will not leave you alone,atleast not like this.Please I'm brother let me help you."

I jerked my arm back and started to walk away.



"I'm warning you leave me alone."

"Listen to your self your started to sound like Jason."

"And your point."

"Fine I will leave you alone".He grappled away and I started walking when I felt a prick in my neck,I world around and tried to scream but everything was black by the time I turned around.

I woke up to bright light and I was strapped down to a table,I couldn't move or talk.

I tried to get out of them but no use,my mask and belt were gone and I had a muzzle on probably why I can't talk or scream.

A man walked in the room.

"Hello dear I'm Dr. Hugo Strange and I will be your Doctor for a while".I had heard about him I tried kicking and tried to scream.

A lady walked in with a cart of things,he took the needle and stuck in my neck and very thing went black.

*End of Flashbacks*

I sat down on the medal chair in my room and looked at the mirror across,my skin was as pale as a china doll,my omber hair turned blonde after the second month,my blue eyes could tell you horror and pain I went through.

All I know is this place was Mercury Labs,but no one goes here so I will never see anyone or the light of day again,they put a collar on my neck so ever time I tried to fight or use my cry it would shock me.

I stopped talking after the first year,I looked at the door that I tried for so long to brake down but I learned real quick that it wasn't move.

I laid on the bed and though

This is what happens to bad little girls

I closed my eyes and waited for death to brake me away from here.

{Nightwing POV}

I was on my cycle on my way to Mercury labs with Robin and Red Robin,Oracle said it went out of business years ago but bills for electricity have been pilling up meaning someone is using it.

"Robin Red Robin stay close to each other and keep your coms open."

I went threw the air ducks and dropped down into a lower level of the building.

I walked around until I found....cells I searched everyone but I could hear crying down the hall.

"Oracle I think someone is here."

"I already notify Robin go check it out."

I walked down the hall where their was a closed medal door.

"Hello is someone in there?"

No answered but I heard banging on the door.

I couldn't kick the door down,but their was a control panel.

"Oracle can you hack the control panel I think someone is in this room?"

"Okay give me a second."

The red light above the keypad turned green and the door opened,I looked around and I al most had a heart attack.

"Lindy" I said.

"What!?!" Oracle said over the com.

"Lindy it's Lindy."

I walked to her and she really changed.

"Lindy it's me Nightwing",she looked scared.

I took off my mask and she wasn't scared."It's me Dick" I said.

She hugged me and I hugged her back,she started crying in my shoulder.

"It's okay were gonna get you home."I put my mask on and looked at the collar on her neck I tried to pull it off and I was shocked and it looked like it shocked her too.

"Oracle can you hack into this collar I can't get it off without shocking her."

"I must do all your  guys work." She sighed.

The collar fell off and I picked her up and started walking back to the front,once I got there I saw Red Robin and Robin waited but their faces changed once they saw Lindy.

They ran up to me and I handed her or to Tim and I radioed Batman who was on a mission with the league but said he was on his why home.

We took her to the cave and she was sleeping but it looked like she was sleeping peacefully,I took a blank and covered her and I sat in a chair and waited for her to wake up.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now