Chapter 32

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{Lindy POV}


What if he doesn't want it?


What if he thinks I did this on porpose


I world around to my sister who has been staying here for a few nights.

Yes I say.

It's 2 A.M. and your walking around like a crazy person!!!


I sat on my bed and she sat next to me.

What's wrong she asked.

Elena what if Tim doesn't want it.

First don't say it,second he will.

What makes you so sure I ask a tear falling from my eye.

Will most 19 year old boys wouldn't adopt a kid if they didn't want to start a family and plus I think he will be more than happy to have a baby with you.Now if you'll excuse me the bed is calling my name.

She stopped at the door.

Try to get some sleep you'll need it she was gone before I could protest,I laid down and soon I was in a deep sleep,something that never really happens much anymore.

{Bruce POV}

I can't stop feeling that I failed Damian the same way I failed Jason.Yes it is still alive but it doesn't look like he'll improve much.

I failed you Damian,I fail you as a father and mentor.

Master Bruce,I turned to see Alfred holding a tray of tea.

He sat it down on a table and walked over to me.

Master Bruce you didn't fail Master Damian,you are his father and that will never change.

How can I save people if I let them die on my watch,what kind of father am I.

One your father would be proud of,Master Bruce death is something that's out of our hands,life is a like a hour glass sooner or later our time will run out.And I am sure that Master Damian doesn't blame you for what has happened. Alfred

Master Bruce why do we fall ?

I looked at him.

To pick ourself right back up he said.

You need to find who ever did this and get justice for Master Damian.

I stood up and grabbed my suit.

DeathStroke will pay I said in a deep dark voice,one that probably gave Alfred a chill.

{Tim POV}

I sneak into the penthouse and walked upstairs.Saying I was tired was a under statement,I fall on the bed and soon a little body was hugging me.

Hello Thomas I said ruffling his hair.

Daddy where were you,he had tears in his eyes.

Hey what's wrong.

Madi said mommy killed her mommy and she tired to hurt mommy.

I picked him up and went downstairs,Lindy was on the sofa she looked like she had been crying too.

What happened while I was gone I asked sitting next to her,she told me everything about Madison attacking her and Damian in a coma but I felt like there was more that she wasn't telling me.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now