Chapter 24

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{Nightwing POV}

We walked down a hallway that had more vines and broken doors then I could count,I opened a door that led to electric chair and someone was in it.

I got closer.RED ROBIN(Yum! I had to)

How do we get him out of this !!!!!!Robin Yelled the volts were so loud we could barley hear.

Blue Siren walked over to a door across from the chair.

ROBIN HELP ME!!!!!! Together they kicked the door down and enter.

{Robin POV}

We looked around for a switch or something.

Maybe this I said pulling the lever.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh we heard

Nope that made it worst I said.

Hmm maybe the button that says stop she said I faceplamed.

We ran back Red Robin and helped Nightwing untie him.

He tried to stand but almost fell to the ground.

Hey I gotcha Nightwing caught him and threw him over his shoulder.

We walked until we were in the morgue where everyone else was minus father.

Still haven't found Batman I asked.

It doesn't make sense between us all we should have found him Cat girl said looking through camera footage.

NightWing said Red Robin on the ground,he needs first aid he said worry.

Alfred is outside in the Bat-wing Blue Siren said.

I'll take Red Hood Said carrying him over his shoulders then he was gone.

Well well looky here Cat-girl walked over to a wall and kick it down.

How did you...

This was never a wall this always stored bodies even when it was just Batman and the first Robin,this wall was never there.

Remodeling I said walking into the hall.

Their are no plans for a remodel 

Nightwing said.

We walked until we were above a room,down below was father his wrist were tied and he was hanging from the ceiling.

See beloved this wouldn't have happened if you had given me Damian,he doesn't need to be your four sidekick he need to led the league.

Never father said horsely.

Fine then,DeathStroke has your other son.

Aiden? No theirs no why it's him.

I a screen showed DeathStroke,he moved out of the way and there he was.

Aiden had a lot of scars,bruises and bloody wounds.I looked to see a very pissed off Lindy.

She umped down from the ledge she charged mother and hit her with her bow staff,so the room was filled with ninjas and we all jumped down to fight.

{Black Bat POV}

I took down serval ninjas that were about to attack Robin,I saw Blue Siren go up against Talia I ran and did a few beatings on Talia also.

You can't stop me!!!!! she snaped.

I threw a bat range at her and she moved out of the way and charged us,Robin did a flying kick and she was on the ground.

Blue Siren grappled to a air grate and Nightwing saw and went after her.

{Blue Siren POV}

Nightwing why are you following me I don't need help.

Last time you said that you went missing for a year I won't make that mistake again he said crossing his arms.

Fine I said and went followed Deathstroke's signal.

We found him on the roof,I scream and charged him.

You were trained by the bats,because you suck at fighting,I was about to scream again but he grabbed me by the throat and I blacked out.

{Nightwing POV}

I'll KILL YOU THIS TIME SLADE YOU'VE GONE TO FAR!!!!!! I fought him but he had been training because I wasn't as good as the last time I fought him,so he kicked me in the shin and threw me into a window I groaned trying to get up but I was hit in the head and black out.

{Batman POV}

After Robin help me from the chains I went to the T.v. and saw DeathStroke grab Aiden.


Sorry Batman but if I let him go you will never learn.

He pulled a gun out.

Aiden No.

He held it to his head.

Dad this isn't your fault he said horsely.

I ran to the roof.

But I was to late......

{No One POV}

Robin,Black Bat and Catgirl watched has DeathStroke pulled the trigger and fired the gun at Aiden's head.

Catgirl fell to the ground in tears Robin shead a tear and Black Bat looked away.

On the roof

Blue Siren woke up in time to see her brother fall to the ground,DeathStroke laughed and was gone in a a blink of a eye.

Blue ran over to him and tried to shake him awake.

Aiden!!! AIDEN!!!!!!!! She broke down in tears NO!!!!! NO!!!!! You....yo-u can't leave me here alone.

She sobbed and sob,Batman broke through the doors and walked over to her he bent down and hugged her.

Daddy it isn't far he was so young she sobbed.

I know sweetheart.Batman looked at his seventeen year old son,after a second Batman wasn't their it was Bruce Wayne looking through the cowl he shed a tear.

I failed you he said to himself but not loud enough for his daughter to hear.

He stood up with his daughter who just lost her twin,Nightwing walked over Batman let go of her and kneed beside his fallen son,Blue Siren cried more and this time Nightwing hugged her.

Batman picked up his son and carried him home.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now