Chapter 46

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{Lindy POV}

I suited up again and hit the streets,this time I went alone.I hopped off my bike and parked it in a alleyway.

I took my grapple gun and landed on a roof,I started swinging roof to roof,I was now across from the Iceberg Lounge.

Why not pay Penguin a visit maybe he now's about Dr Springston.

I grappled to the building's back,and dropped down to the alley and there he was making a deal.

This will be fun.

I screamed and scared his partners,I took down his men then I held him up in the air.

"Wha the Bloody hell is dis!!!!!!"

"Cool it.I need answer and well nothing gets pass your docks."

"And I will talk because ?"


"Talk or next you won't be able to."

"O-okay their was a lady in a lab coat from GothCrop."


"About two days ago,then that same night someone called The Huntress paid me a visit and that's all I know."

"Aww was that so hard."

I knocked him out the I went back to the bunker.It seems that Dick,Dad and Tim all met her years ago and they all thought she died the last time they saw her was a year before Jason came back from...his rest.

Tim and I were outside of a know hideout for her,we entered and started to look for her.

He went to search the lower levels and I took the high ground,I found pictures,letters etc.

One photo had a little girl with green eyes and brown hair,she was on the shoulder's of a man in his late to mid 30's,and a woman in her late 20's smiling there was writing on the back and it read.

Bertinelli's Opening night

Why does this name sound familiar.

"You weren't suppose to see that."

A woman in purple a dropped down,she held a crossbow to my head.

"Don't worry I'll make it all right."


She turned around.

"Tim ?"


"Wow you've grown up,last time I saw you you were 14."

"Well I had to grow up some time."He chuckled.

"Talk.NOW" I yelled.

"Helena Bertinelli,sorry didn't relize you two were friends."

"Ya about that."

"Why you have grown up."

"If I may ask why are you two here."

"Were looking for Dr.Springston she was lasted seen at the Iceberg lounge but after that nothing."

"Same her but I was going there her bank accounts and it says that she rented a GothCrop jet."She said pulling it up on her laptop.

"To where." I asked

"It was set you go to Mertopolis but it never made it."

"Hmm.We will look into it."I said and turned around.

"I'll help you guys."

"No thanks."

"It wasn't a question."

"Well then let me put in words you well understand since your small brain doesn't register."I snapped.

"Why you little--

"Okay ladies play nice, we are gonna need her help Siren."

*Grumbles*"Fine but get in my way and you'll be sorry."

"Is it cold in here or is it just you too."

We turned to see Red Hood.

"Shouted!!!!!"Both of us yelled.

"Yup it's them."Tim chuckled.

"Whatever let just go look for this doctor!!"

We went to Mertopolis and Red Robin notifty Superman and Superboy we were going.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now