Chapter 25

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{Lindy POV}

I opened my eyes and sat up in bed I looked out of my window all I could see was the falling of raining and the hear the sounds of thunder.

I swung my legs over my bed and walked to it,it's been a month since Aiden's death and I still feel like it was yesterday.

The boys have tried to cheer me up but this will take some getting use to.

I grab a shower and just stand their  thinking about everything,after that I throw on on a sweater and some jeans I go downstairs to where Dick and Damian are sleep on the couch.

I go to the kitchen and their's Alfred.

Hello Miss Lindy how are you today.

I a little better,that was the truth but not by much.

I sit at the table and Alfred brings me a plate of eggs,I thank him and eat.It's not long before the boys come in the room.

Hi Lin how are ya Dick asked taking a sit next to me.

Okay I put my plate in the sink and go to the cave,Dad really hasn't left it in a while,I walk past Aiden's costume I haven't wore mine since he died.

Dad been trying to find Slade but I have moved on,don't get me wrong I would love to watch Jason blow him to pieces but I need to be strong for Aiden he would want me to live my life,funny thing is he was a big part of it.

Jason keeps asking can't we just put him in the pit,well first all the pits are gone mostly and second the way he died the pit can't bring him back.

I walked over to Dad he was sleep in his chair he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

I went back upstairs to the t.v. room where all the boys were playing a video game,Jason and Dick were neck and neck but Damian and Tim were behind maybe because they were fighting for Damian to move his gaming controler cord from around Tim's neck.

Soon the two chased each other out of the room,I picked up Tim's contorler and soon Dick and Jason were wondering how they lost until they looked at me I simlied and left them to suffer with defeat.

I grabbed my suit and went out in Gotham in the first time in weeks I found lots of thugs and it felt good to beat them up but that was cut short when Nightwing told me I was in big trouble.


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