Chapter 33

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{Bruce P.O.V.}

I stood over his grave,his brothers and I stood beside it we each took a hand full of dirt and throw it over Damian's coffin.

After that I said a few words then Dick then Alfred.

The paul buriders finished and everyone left,I looked at his now cover grave and Alfred walked up to me.

Master Bruce--

I failed him Alfred.

You can not blame--

But I do I am the only one to blame I could have saved my son but I didn't.I failed my parents,three of my sons and I failed an myself to protect the ones I love.


I can't let anyone else be taken away Alfred I have to put a end to DeathStroke.

Sir you don't mean ??

Yes I may have to kill Alfred or he will learn what true fear is I walked away leaving Alfred to take in what I just said.

{Jason POV}

I took a bottle of beer and downed it,Damian was gone how this isn't even real.Right Someone tell me this is a really bad dream and I will wake up from this nightmare.

I throw  the beer across the room and I dig my nails into my head.

WHY WHY!!!!!!!!! HIM h..h-e was so young so much life left in him,he was only 15.

He had a birthday coming up in a couple weeks which made it even more painful.

I fell to my knees and cried.

My baby brother is dead.

And I don't think he is coming back again.

{Cassandra POV}

I didn't know Damian all that well but I grow to like him a lot,I told Bruce I was going to travel for a bit but I may come back or I may not.

All I know is this place has a lot going on and I need to have a fresh start from this life that's really painful right now.

{Dick POV}

I cried everyday and every night. My Baby bird is gone.I really didn't eat or go to work much but they understand.

It even hurts to go out as Nightwing since he would go out with me sometimes and he really hurt.

I dragged me feet to the kitchen,I grabbed a bowl and some cereal.I set on  the couch and flip through stations.I talked to Kory and she said that she also loved and would miss Damian he was someone you could hate one moment and later you love him like a wounded puppy.

I put the bowl on the table and curled into a ball,I dozed off with this show called Teen Titans played,all I could think of my little bird bird and how I was gonna miss him alot.

So I was one with the darkness and I all I could hear was the t.v. sound getting far away.

{Tim POV}

Tonight I was sitting wide awake and all I could think about all the the terrible things I said to him growing up.

Tim it's okay I'm sure he known you didn't mean any of what you two said to each other,Lindy hugged me.

All I could do was cry.

It's okay let it all out Tim.

All I remember was I cried most of the night and I fall asleep.I remember all the things we fought about and how stupid they were.

All I want is my little brother back I said in my sleep which I didn't know I said.

{Lindy POV}

I need to help Tim but U heard him say he wanted Damian back which really broke my heart Damian was like a amazing little brother .

I shed a tear but I went to sleep myself,I know there's a way to bring him back but how.

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