Chapter 66

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{Courtney POV}

I sat on the ground curled in a ball,today my Mommy has been dead 2 years/,she died a year after being in a coma.

I was really young so I don't remember much,but I do know that she wanted me to have a good life.Daddy misses her a lot,it's just me and him we moved to Coast City three months after Mommy dead.

I know I was almost two when she was in the hospital.

"Courtney breakfast!" I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen where a plate of pancakes and bacon was sitting.

"Morning Daddy."

"Morning Princess.Eat up were gonna visit Grandpa today." He kissed the top of my head the went to his office with his coffee.

I checked to make sure he was gone before I ran to the kitchen window and opened it.

"He's gone." I sat down at the table and put half of my food on a plate.

My cousin Riley climbed through the window.

"Hey." she smiled.

"Hi." she sat next to me and began to eat. she was a three while I was three and a half.She had dark brown curly hair,green eyes and freckles.Her parents were my Aunt Emily and Uncle Bart.

"So are you gonna see her ?" She asked.

"I don't know,I want to but at the same time I have a small memeory of her I just wish I got to know her." I sighed.

"Well from what Mommy says your Mommy had a very big head."

"I think you mean heart." I chuckled.

"Oops ya heart." We both giggled then Daddy walked in with a raised eye brow.

"Um Riley not that I don't love seeing you but what are you doing here your Mom will kill me if she finds out your here."

"Oh hi Uncle Tim I came to see Courtney."

"I figured has much,I'll go call your Mom and tell her your here." He left then came back.

"She said to bring you when we leave which is like now are you ready ?" I nodded all three of us got into his car and when went to the Airport.

Daddy was able to get Riley on the Plane he didn't say how long we were staying but I packed enough stuff for a year.

I really want to move back to Gotham but Daddy says that a lot of bad things happened there and he couldn't stay there anymore.

5 Hours later

We were now in Gotham,the air was very hard to breath,probably because we lived on the west coast where it's always sunny and warm.

We took a cab,we were outside of a very big and beautiful home.

"Come along girls." Daddy paid the cab driver then we walked up to the house,a man opened the door he was in his seventies,he had black and gray hair and a funny voice.

"Hello Master Timothy it's good to see you,and hello Miss Courtney may you look just like your mother." He smiled.

"Aflie!" I remember now,I hugged his leg.

"It's very good to see you too.I see your father has taken good care of you.She would be proud." He looked to Daddy. He took our bags,we walked into the house and the first person I saw was Uncle Dick taking to Uncle Jay.

"UNCLE DIC UNCLE JAY!" I ran to them.

"Hey sprout how are you ?" Uncle Jay rubbed my head.


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