Chapter 27

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{Lindy POV}

'I woke up and it was the next day and remember that tomorrow is Tim's birthday(his birthday day is tomorrow July 19)

I ran downstairs and there Dick and Bruce.

Morning they said Good Morning.  

"What are we doing for Tim's birthday?' 

When's that Dick asked.

Tomorrow Alfred said bringing in french toast.

OH SH*T I GOT TO GO GET HIM A GIFT!!!!!! Dick ran out of the room,I looked to Dad who was reading the paper.How about you Damian and Elena go to the mall and get him a gift and you can order him a birthday cake while I plan the party.

Okay I ran upstairs to Damian's room where he was reading I took the book and he looked like he was gonna kill me.


Maybe,get dress I said handing it back.

Why he said walking to his dresser.

Because we are gonna go get Tim a gift for his birthday,it was like I wasn't in the room I covered my eyes.

Aww didn't like the show he said moving my hand to show he was dressed in a green t-shirt and kakki shorts.

I don't know who's worse you or Jason or Dick or all of you.

He smirked,maybe all of us you never know.

Yayay I'l get dressed and meet you downstairs and DON"T tell Tim.

I don't care for that imbelice's day of birth,I texted Elena and she said she'd be over soon I ran to my room I put on a pink t-shirt,blue acid washed jeans and wedges,my hair was in it's normal lose curl style and I walked downstairs to find Damian waiting by the door and Elena.

Ready I asked.

No they both said,good let's go I hopped in the driving seat,Elena in the passager and Damian in the back.

The drive was short and quite,I parked and we went inside.

I divided the money and gave them some to buy Tim a gift,I went to Kate's Catering.


Shhh I am just here to order a cake for my brother.

Okay sorry what kind she said.

It's okay uh how about red velvet and it needs to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM

Okay that will be $ 29.46


Their gourmet sweety she said chuckling.

I see I had her the money and tell her to deliver it at the manor tomorrow.

I leave and go look for a gift,I go to a few shops and I find a shop where it looked like he would shop,I looked and I found a new pair of sneakers.

Really I thought.

It is so easier to shop for girls then guys.

I walk to the app store,I buy him a new apple watch and call it a day.

I meet with the others,Elena got him a few shirts and Damian got him a gift card to game stop,we went home and started to think of a plan to keep him busy tomorrow so we could set up for the party.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now