Chapter 38

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{Black Siren POV}

I stood up and looked at him.


Sorry Sis but he's dead you can call me the Reaper.

Well I guess that makes you Slade's bitch,I turned around and throw a few shuriken at Madison or really Marie Wilson who I found is Slade's daughter.

Still trying to be me I said,I leap to my feet and had my staff at the ready.I can't beleive Aiden is alive.

His looked different,his hair was slicked back he had a white strike in it also,he had dark circles under his eyes and he was now a villian I guess.

He threw some kind of dark energy at me and I dodged it,I threw smoke and I charged him and we were evenly matched.

He kicked me in the leg and took me down.

Still not has strong as me he chuckled.

I scream and it gave me a few seconds to brake from his hold,I hit him with my staff,he tried to punch me,I moved to the other side and hit with my staff.


He fired his powers and I screamed.

He fell back,I screamed again and he cover his ears.

To loud for you,maybe we should quite this down a bit,I sucker punched him,I kicked where the sun don't shine,I also took his right arm broke it and threw him over my shoulder.

I walked closer to him and was now ear level.In case you forgot I hate being called B**tch.I took my staff and knocked him out.

I turned to Maire.

Your next red.

I screamed and I made my staff whole,I hit her with my staff she had a pipe to I didn't even have a scratch on me.

After she was taken down,I turned to see Spoiler freeing everyone.

Nice job Red Hood chuckled.

I try to I said.

I then felt some hold something to my head.


It was DeathStroke.DROP YOUR WEAPONS!!!!! ordered.

They did and so did I .

See Batman I'll always be a step ahead of you.

He clocked his gun and this gave The was then three gun shots and DeathStroke fell to the ground.

We looked to see Jason holding a shotgun.

He was a royal pain in the a**.

Bruce wasn't happy but he would get over it.

I walked over to Aiden.

I don't see why he would do this I said.

He isn't in his right Mind,Nightwing picked him up and we went back home.


(I was gonna stop here but I got a idea last night and I think guys deserve it also we MADE IT TO 1K!!!!!! WOOOWOOO any way enjoy this....oneshot??? Idk enjoy)

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now