Chapter 13

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{Lindy POV}

Tim and I were visiting Dick for the fourth I rung the doorbell and Dick didn't answer the door but,a woman with a amazing tan,bright red hair, and was wearing next to nothing.

"Hello I am Koriand'r or Starfire Princess of Tamaran"

"Hey Star"

"Timothy!" she flew and hugged him.

She let go and Tim was red as her hair she looked at me.

"And you are?"

"I'm Lindy Dick's sister."

"Hello and welcome to Richard's apartment".

She hugged me and I was sweating was she like a space heater.

We walked inside and their was cereal bowls,clothes and trash all over the place.

Dick you are the messiest person I know Alfred would kill you I said to my self.

"Hey guys." Dick walked in only wearing boxers.

"MY EYES!!" I Shouted

"Hey Dick" Tim said.

"Put some clothes on this is not a halfway house." I said taking Tim's hand to cover my eyes.

Tim took his hand away and Dick had clothes on put Kory was still in the tank top and underwear.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Dick asked,I started scrolling through my phone.

"EAT!" Tim pouted rubbing his gut.

"Okay let's go out to for chinese." he said standing.

"Wait Kory aren't  you gonna change?" I asked.

"She'll be fine "Dick and Tim said.

"Come with me Kory."

I took her to Dick's room and I looked through my bag and found a white crop top,blue shorts and wedges.

"Thank you for the clothing."

"Your welcome."

 I walked out the room and saw them waiting by the door,I took a newspaper and hit them on the head.

"What's that for!?!" they rubbed there head's.

"Cus your both acting like horny teenagers." I scowled.

Kory walked out dressed and we went to eat.Dick took us to the board walk he said to meet up by midnight for the fireworks.

I didn't like being around a lot of people,I was about to have a panic attack when someone took my hand .

I looked to see it was Tim."Hey your gonna be okay I'll be with you the whole time."He  took me to some rides.

We were walking around when I noticed he hadn't said anything.



I waved my hand in front of him.

"Uh oh sorry."

"You okay?"

"I'm just thinking about Stephanie."

"Why?" I ask trying not to sound bitter.

"Well she left me for another guy and I don't see why."

I stood in front of him and he stopped and looked at me.

"Tim,I'm sorry but maybe that's for the best."

"WHAT !?!"He looked hurt.

"You don't need someone like that in your life you need someone you can depend on someone that loves you for you not someone who's just gonna get up and leave on day."

He froze.


He came closer and closed the gap between us,he kissed me.

"It was you it was always suppose to be you." he smiled.

"Yes I do have that affect on men." I smirked.

"Lindy I know this is a little late but--"

"Yes Tim I will go out with you."

"Really!?!" he said sounding like a kid in a candy store.

"Yes I will."

He hugged me.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too Timmy."

He groaned because he hated being called that.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now