Chapter 42

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{Lindy POV}

I was at the manor with Serena(Sara I changed her name),I had recorded my songs and I was waiting to hear back,Bruce was in his office,Tim took Phoenix and Thomas to the arcade and Ali was taking a nap.

"So what do you want to watch"she flopped on the couch next to me with a bowl of popcorn.

"I don't care you pick"She choose Nerve and about half way through it we paused it,the door rang and we were out of popcorn.

"I'll get more popcorn and you get the door."She got up and ran to the kitchen,I to the door and there was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello"I said.

"Hi I'm looking for the Waynes"She smiled.

"Well your looking at one"I said.

"That's funny but I am looking for Bruce or Damian Wayne"? she said starting to get annoyed.

"Well my name is Lindy Wayne so what do you want with my father and brother"I was about to slam the door in her face when Bruce walked in.

"Lindy who is....Emily!!!

Emily ran inside and hugged Bruce.

Well make your self right at home I mumbled

*First Let me say Emily is not my character she belongs to @DC_Writer_E,if you didn't know she was the one who made this book possible she inspired it so go over to her page and read her books pls.Also if you didn't know Thomas belongs to @LeeSchnackAttack.*

"We thought you died" he starting to tear up.

"No Mom had me this whole time,so where are the boys ?"

"Well Dick is home,Jason is being Jason,Tim took the kids to out and Damian is at collage".He said.

"And these are your other sisters Lindy and Serena.

"What" Serena said with a mouth full of popcorn.

"More kids I said"

"Emily stayed her before you and Aiden came,maybe a year before you came to live here."

"I see" I said,Tim walked in with a happy Phoenix and a sleepy Thomas.


"Tim !!!!!!!!"' she ran and hugged him and I felt this heat in the pit of my stomach.

"And who is this" she asked, cowing at Thomas.

"Thomas our son I smiled walking over to her.

"Well he is really cute"

"Thank you" We said.

"Hey Lin Ali is crying" Serena yelled.

"I got it" Bruce said walking away.

"So you to are married" she asked.

"No" Tim says

"Not yet" I say

We talked and after a while I found out Tim and Emily dated but it wasn't that long and she was the hero known as the Finch.

Emily had a room here so she was gonna stay and I had to go back to New York,I had a meeting so Phoenix,Thomas,Serena and Ali were coming with me Tim was going out with the Titans and Emily was joining him since she hadn't been a hero in a few years.

"Your Jealous aren't you"? Serena said in the car.

"No I am not,Emily is a nice girl and I can't wait to get to know her"

"Sure" Phoenix said from the back.

"I know where you sleep"

"Any way I'm 21 I don't have time to be jealous,I have a wedding to plan and a music career starting so ya"

"Want about us"? Phoenix said with a puppy dog face.

"You guys will have to start school soon"I said.

"NOOO"They both yelled.

"Yess and I need to know if you guys are staying with me and going to school here in New York or you could live with Dad and go to school."

"Here"!!!!! Both said as I parked the car.

"That was quick" I said taking Ali and Phoenix had Thomas,both were sleep.

"We don't want to go to a private school we want to go to public.Serena said.

"Well if you go to school here you'll have a private tutor" I said walking into the loft.

"Fine" Both said and went upstairs with the baby and Thomas,I started making pizza for dinner when I got a call saying to go to the docks.

It was from Elena,I told Serena she was in charge and then I went,but who would know I would never come back

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now