Chapter 57

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*There is what Danny looks like

{Lindy POV}

We got back to Gotham and there was Danny waiting for us in the van.


"Hello Sister."

I hugged him and then hopped in the passager seat.

Everyone was half sleep or falling asleep.The only other person awake was Damian.

"So how as Gotham?" I said scrowling through my phone.


"I'm shocked."

We got home and everyone went to there rooms but me Danny and Damian were all in the cave.

"So you  want to go on patrol?" I asked.

"Father would be very displeased that we left.So yes I will acompany you."

"Wow England rubbed off on you." Danny chuckled.


Danny sat at the computer."Okay let's see how do it."

"Wow you may be faster than Oracle." I grabbed my suit changed and came out to see Damian waiting by his bike.

"What took so long."

I rolled my eyes.I put my mask on and hopped on my bike.

"Race Ya!" I sped out of the cave and I could hear him say "Not Fair!"

We stopped in a Alley way in Park Row where we parked our bikes and grappled to the roof.

"Ah,don't you just love Fall in Gotham."

"No it reminds me that I have to be put in a facility full of imbeciles and Harlots."

"Dang you really hate school." I said looking around.

"The league taught me ever thing I need to know but school so why father puts me in one I still don't know." He folded his arms.

"HELP!!!! HELP!!!"

"You take this one Robin."

"Fine." He grappled into the alleyway he took down the three muggers and gave the woman her purse back.

"Thank you Robin."

"Your welcome next time be more careful." He grappled back to me and we ran across roof tops.

"Guys there been a brake out at Arkham." Danny said through the coms.

"What's new." I said jumping down in to a alleyway which had or bikes.

We raced to Arkham and found out that Harley and Joker broke out and Ivy may have helped them.

When we got back to the cave it was around four. and there was Danny still awake with about two empty mugs and his three mug of coffee.

"So how did it go?"

"I'm tired." I whined.

"I'm sleeping for a year." Damian said.He left and I soon left.


"Dick why are you up at 4 in the freaking morning!?"

"To go to work." He raised a brow are you feeling okay you look like death.

"Love you to bro." I gave a bitchy smile than went to my room,I showered then got in pjs it wasn't long before Iw as out cold.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now