Chapter 41

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*Sara is on the left and Lindy on the right*

{Lindy POV}

Sara had token on the new of Canary in honor of Mom,Aiden was some what back to normal he was kind of like Jason after the pit.

He has been training Phoenix to be the new Talon,which I am kinda happy about.

Thomas also has been training with Damian to be the next Robin,Damian is going off to college in Metropolis with Johnny Kent.

So that's really all that's new,and new Dick and Kory daughter Mar ' I was born and in a few months she grow up to been 18 so YA that's a thing and her and Damian are going to college and are dating..

Right now me Tim and Damian are outside of Two-face's hideout where tonight he is supposed to have a meeting to kill Batman but what's new.

"On my signal" we waited for Red Robin to give the singal,after he did we dropped from the skylight and there was Two-face,Riddler and Peguin.

"On look what the bat dropped in" Riddler grumbled,he pulled out his gold cane, Peguin took out his umbrella and Two-face had his true pistol ready.

"Will any last words"Two face chuckled.

"YUP!!!" I screamed and we jumped from the table,Robin took Riddler,Red Robin took Two face and I took peguin.

"I don't like hitting woman" he chuckled.
Well I still his you I said,I took my staff I hit him with it in the head disarmed him and tripped him.

It didn't take long for the others to take down there goon,after we finished we tied them up and changed into normal clothes.

We took Mar'i and Damian to get ice cream since they are leaving in a few hours.

Thank you Wayne and Drake Damian said,Dad never let's Damian have ice cream so Dick and I are the only ones who will let him.

YA Thanks Lin thanks Tim Mar'i squealed.

It fine we said.
So what courses are you guys goona take Tim asked shoving a spoon of Strawberry into his mouth.

Dami is thinking about Business and I am thinking about the Fine Arts department.

How come you two didn't go to school She asked.

Will Tim is still going but online and working,I didn't have the time but I am supposed to do a record deal in a few days I simply spoke and looked at my ice cream.

Well thanks great & I am sure father will be proud of you Damian said.

I guess said.

Your kidding that's a big deal Mar'i said. Cheerful.

Any way what time do you two have to leave Tim asked throwing away every ones trash.

We we get back to the manor Mar'i sighed.

Well Metropolis is only three hours away I said.

But because of the school it's really four and a half Damian said.

We went back to the manor and Damian and Mar'i hugged everyone good bye before they left,me and Elena gave Mar'i a gift to surprise Damian with,she was Red in the face but she thank us later.

I was in my room at the manor trying to figure out a name for song number eight of twelve.

How about Come and Get it Elena asked eating so candy.

Now that's a title Tim said,he grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom.

That's already up here E.

What about Smile she asked.

Okay I wrote it down and we started throwing around lyrics and beats but by midnight we only need two more songs,that's how are I worked for this record deal.

*I post more later also leave some suggestions as to what could happen in this book*

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