Chapter 22

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{Bruce POV}


Lindy this is a very dangerous mission I don't want you to get hurt.

Look Dad I understand you want me safe but I will be 17 soon you can't tell me what to do she said.

Want a bet Dick said chuckling.

Look you and Damian are not going so that's that.


Will I did and you two need to be safe,we don't know what we are dealing with.

They grumbled and then Batgirl walked in.

Everyone I would like you to meet the new Batgirl Cassandra Cain.

Hello they grumbled.

So you take a newby out in the field but not someone who was been doing this for a while,Whatever and with that Lindy stormed out of the cave.

Damian left also.

It's okay Bruce your doing the right thing Dick said.

I am not sure about that,I said rubbing my temples.

Alfred do you have the location.

Yes sir it is a old factory in old Gotham are you sure that is the right way to go about it he said.

I am have to do something,notify Red Hood and Red Robin to meet is their I said grabbing my mask and pulling it over my face,I hop into the Batmobile and Batgirl hopped into also.

Nightwing hopped on his bike,I started it up and we were off.

Do you know who could be behind this attacks NightWing asked on the com.

I have my suspect it to be someone who was as done this before but after the breakout from Arkham last night I can't be to sure.

I see he said.

{Damian POV}

I am not staying here father nows that I don't take no for a answer.I suited up as Robin and grappled out of my window to the ground.

I check on my wrist hologram to see if they had left the cave,they had so I press a button on my belt and my bike pulled up next to me.

I hopped on and hack the batmoblie's tracker and followed it to a old factory.

I hide the bike in a nearby alleyway and grapple to the roof,I land right next to a skylight.I drop through a open window and land on a support bean I looked down to see that everyone is unconsiuos.

I drop down next to Nightwing.

Nightwing! NIGHTWING!!


I was about to call the cave for back-up when I felt something be shot into my neck I tried to fight the figure but everything went black.,I thought I heard a laugh.

{Lindy POV}

I was in my room drawing,I looked at the clock and saw it was one,I guess they are out late again.

I changed into some pjs,then a knock on my door.

Miss Wayne!!!! On your awake.

Yes what's wrong Alfred.

I can't find Master Damian anywhere have you seen him.

Afraid not maybe he went with the others.

Maybe your right.

Well goodnight sorry to bother you.

It's okay Alfred Goodnight.

I went to bed thinking everything was okay.

Boy was I dead wrong

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now