Chapter 11

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{Aiden POV}

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked Barbara.

"Yes." Alfred said she just needs to eat and hydrate and she'll be okay.

I walked over to Lindy and moved a lock of her now blonde hair from her face,I missed you,she exhaled as she slept.

"Can I take her to her room?" I asked Bruce and he nodded.

I picked her up bridal style upstairs to her room,I lay her on her bed and cover her up I kiss her forehead I turned and left her room.

{Tim POV}

I had just got back from the store  me and Damian wanted to get a few things for Lindy,we brought the cupcakes from the bakery upstairs to her room.

"Is she even awake?" I asked.

"It's 9:30 Drake."

"Yeah but she has been through a lot Damian".he sighed and knocked.

"Come in" ,we entered and she was sitting on her bed putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey guys,what's in the box?"

"Cupcakes for you",Damian said

"Awww." she got up and hugged us.

"You guys didn't have to."

T"hink of it as a welcome home gift" I said. "You guys what one?"


 We each tried one and they were good."Oh Bruce went to know do you want to go to Mertopolis with him and Dick?"

"Sure aren't you to going" she said throwing her trash away.

"I am going back to the titans "Damian said.

"And I will be leading YJ while Dick gone,well we will see you later."

"Bye and thank you" she said,we went to our rooms.

{Lindy POV}

It was two in the morning when we got in the car.You tired Bruce asked?"

"A little but that's why God created Starbucks".Bruce and Dick chuckled,we stopped so they could get coffee and I got a strawberries & cream Frapp.

I took a nap and when I woke up I was in the front sit and Bruce was in the back sleeping,I looked to see Dick whisling.

"Where are we?" 

"About twenty minutes from Clark's."

I nodded and looked outside the window to see a bright sun rise and the city.

20 Minutes later

We stopped at a high rise apartment tower,there was a blonde girl my age and a tall man with glasses who I know was SuperMan.

I got out the car and almost fall face first but I was still above the ground,I looked to see the blonde holding me up.

"Hi I'm Kara and you must be Lindy."

"Yea and thanks guess I was a little tired."

"No problem it's what I do."

We walked in ,Clark said that Dick and Connor would share a room and I would share with Kira.

I walked into the room and I sat my stuff down on the bed.

"So what do want to see first?"

"Shop" I said laughing

"Okay we leave in five."

Did she not see I was joking.

We were about to leave when I was lifted off the ground.

"Yo Kara you can put me down now" I said.

"I am over here."I looked to see it was Connor who was hugging me.

"CONNOR!!" I hugged him back.

"You are not to go missing again" he said.

"I don't plan to" I said he put me down and we went shopping.

*I need a idea for the next chapter they will still be with the Super family but I need a big bad please and thank u*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now