Chapter 49

141 9 2

{Lindy POV}


"Yes Tommy."

"Can you help me with my Geometry ?"


1 hour later

"Next time were asking your father or google which ever is quicker."

He chuckled.

"Tommy will come play with me ?"

"Sure Ali."

After they left to play I went back to making dinner then a Mr Drake Decided to come home.And he wasn't happy or look the best. He flopped on the couch and didn't say a word.

"Well make yourself at home while I cook."

"Thanks."I walked to him and hit him with the newspaper.

"What's gonna in to you?!"

"Nothing okay just leave it alone."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen,I don't have time for anyones Bullshit today or any day for that matter.

Then the phone rang.

I am to seconds from hiring a butler myself.


"Hell Sister."

"Hi what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you could assist me."

"With what?"

"Well you see there was a brake out in Bell Reve and I could use a hand."

"On my way."


"Tim I'm going out."


Something is off about him but I am not sure what.I suited up as Black Siren and I was now at Bell Reve,and there was Robin.

Over the years I really hated her like I wanted to hang her but after assisting the Titans a couple times we became friends.

"So what's the problem."

"I'll tell you what the problem is,Harley Quinn and Deadshot have broken out and I need to you two to round them up.

I turned to see Amanda Waller.

"Why is Harley here instead of Arkham ?"

"Because for the pass three years she has been a part of Task Force-X and now she's heading back to Gotham to finish old business as she put it."

"We'll get them back." Robin said.

We made it to Gotham and of course there would be problems.

"There's been a break-in at Arkham Asylum!"

"Who's police radio ?" I ask.

Robin shrug,and we raced to Arkham.

Once we got there I saw a familiar blue bike.

"What are you two doing here ?"

We turned to see Nightwing.

"Aren't you suppose to be in Bludheaven?"

"I though you guys could use the help."He said.

"Uh huh." Robin folded his arms

"Is Harley inside I ask him.

He nodded. "Ya Gordon is ordering a Swat team to surround the island"

"Well I'm not waiting let's go." All three of us enter the Asylum in the three different entrance on the North,East and West sides.

"Okay I am in the infirmary." Robin spoke.

"I'm in the main entrance.Cassie sighed.

"I'm in Maximum Security."

Okay remember Harley is looking for the Joker so be careful."

"Hahahahaha." What was that.


"Robin? Nightwing"


"There mine now little Bird."


Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now