Chapter 48

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{Black Siren POV}

I entered from the back door of the building Cheshire said they would be in,I walked into a room where there were swordsmen.

"Let's dance boy!"

They charged me and I took them do in record time,I then took one of there com devices and and switched it on.

Looks like I'm going down a few levels

I found the stairwell,I went down the three flights of stairs down to the basement where the device said that all the labs and holding cells would be.

I saw Artemis and Wally in a chamber, and then were surrounded by more swords men.

This would have been way more easier if Cheshire would have helped me.

I then saw a ladder next to me,I climbed and now I could get a head count for the men in the room.

There's fifteen swordsmen,and then Doctor Milo walked in the room.

{Wally POV}

Arty! Stay with me.

Artemis had been test and tortured,she was slowing losing blood and was dehydrated.

"Well how is our female patient doing." Milo smirked.

"Go to Hell!!"

"In good time my boy."

I looked up and saw Siren,I smirked now knowing Milo was about to have hell to pay for what when I get out of here.

"I hope you know it's been three weeks and no one knows you are both missing,so I do hope you know no one will come looking for you." He chuckled.

"Oh really ?"

Siren scream and all then men including Milo covered there ears,she jumped down and began taking down the goons.

"Now what were you saying ?"

Milo ran over to a control panel and pulled a lever.

"By the time she finishes with them you'll both be dead!" He ran out the doors he came in.

I started coughing and so did Arty.

"Wally this *Cough* gas-s is*Cough* killing me.

No kidding beautiful.

I then hear gun fire and look up once again to see Red Hood and Cheshire?

Then jumped down from the ledge and helped Siren with the goons,Siren was able to get free and Scream causing the glass to shattered and I pick Artemis up and carried her out the room.

I waited for a few minutes and the others came out the room.

"How is she?!?" Cheshire shouted

I rolled my eyes.

"She needs water and to be cleaned up."

"Well then let's go."Hood said.

Back at the safe house in Hong Kong

{Jason POV}

After making sure that Wally and Artemis were okay I changed back into normal clothes and walked into the living room where Lindy was reading a book.

Being the annoying big brother I am I took it from here and held it in the air.

"Give it back Jason!"

"Or What?"

Big mistake

I sink to the floor holding my most prized possession.

"That...hurts..So MUCH!"

"Good." She smirked and sat back down on the couch and keep reading. I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen and got some ice.

"Were back!!!" Helena shouted.


"Who gives a rat's ass!"

"Wow what happened here."

"I kicked Jason in the nuts." Lindy smiled.

"Oh." Helena laughed.

"Good Job."

"Shut up replacement!!"

We went home a few days later and I went to the manor same with Lindy and Tim.

{Tim POV}


"Dick you are crushing me." I could barely say that.

"You'll live" Lindy said.

After he let me go I walked around the manor it was peaceful until I bumped into someone.

"Watch where your going Drake!"

"Whatever." I walked passed him and into the cave,Dick was the new Batman while Bruce was recovering from having his back broken by Bane.But that didn't mean he couldn't still help.

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Yes but I'm not going to until I know the city is safe.

"Okay,but Alfred is looking for you."


"This is way I never got married." He sighed.

I went back upstairs to fine my wife looking at childhood photos,I wrapped my arms around here waist and laid my head on her shoulder.

"So have you spoken to your sister about the kids?"

"She is still there she said she'll leave in the morning so you want to head back now?" She asked.

"Ya sure." I pecked her lips before going to get our bags and loading up the car and then we head back to New York.

Two hours later

"Okay what's with NY and traffic?" She asked.

"No Clue." I sat the bags on the ground and then the rumbling of footsteps.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!"

"Mom!! Dad!! Your back!!"

Ali was quick to run and hug me and vis versa with Thomas.

"Were you both good for Aunt Elena?" I asked.

"Yes they were well behaved." She walked and hug both me and her sister.

"Where's Blake ?"

"Sleeping for once."

I went to unpack everything well the kids watched T.V. and the girls had a sister night and went out which I don't mind.

I asked Connor and M'gann to come over and to bring pizza's with them.


Ya so shortly after Wally and Arty got married this to eloped and they have a son named Cole who's half Kryptonian and had a martian powers.

All the kids ate and played and soon were all sleep.

"Wow they must have been really tired.

Me and Kon put Tommy and Cole in Tommy's room since he had a bunk bed and M'gnn put Ali in her room.

After that we watch a moive until Elena and Lindy came back,then we all went to bed.

*First off sorry for the lack of updates I have had writers block for the longest with this book it's not even funny but I will try to push through it and School for me starts soon.Ya I don't go to school in Aug wish I did cause I'm bored all day,but anyway I hope you liked it and Thank you to BatgirlGeek for the help.*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now