Chapter 28

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{Tim POV}

I woke up today's my birthday but it feels like another day,I walk downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee.

I hear that stops you from growing Timmy I heard a voice say,I turned around and there was Elena.

Happy birthday old man.

I'm 19 what's so old about that,and this doesn't stunt your growth I said.

Sure that's what they want you to think she grabbed a apple and left,I shrugged and walked to my room I sat on my bed and started some work for the titans,I hope they aren't throwing me a party I hate parties more importantly birthday party especially if their for me.

I took another swig of my coffee and started to work on some files.

{Lindy POV}

I had everything set,the cake was coming at noon and the pizzas by two,everyone would show by one thirty to set up since the party starts at three I just need to get someone to keep Tim busy.Dick is helping with the lifting since one is here,Jason isn't here and Damian would kill him then it would be a funeral not a birthday.


Yes she said.

Over time I grow to like her,can you keep Tim busy while we set up.

Sure,she ran upstairs and five seconds later she was dragging Tim out the door.

Damian and Cassandra were blowing balloons,Dick hanging the bander and Jason showed and was helping Bruce with the tables and chairs.

Now where is that cake I said,soon delivery trucks came with the pizzas,cake and some gifts.

I put the cake in the fridge and soon people from the titans and YJ showed.

Artemis and Roy had to help Dick with the bander,Wally and Bart helped with the balloons,M'gann was helping me make sure we had all the supplies I know Stephanie can't keep him busy for long but just for another hour.

Conner put the cake on a table in the center of the back your,Jamie and Gar put the pizzas out and all the gifts were on the table.

What am I forgetting......

MUSIC I yelled,M'gann and Artemis laughed that I forgot that,we had a DJ booth but no DJ.

I can DJ Jason said.

Okay fine I checked that off the list.

Are you is wife Zatanna said.

No why I said.

Cuz everything has to be perfect Elena said.

No now come on Steph said they'll be back in twenty so finish with the balloons and find a hiding spot we don't have all afternoon.


I marched over to the tables and they looked nice.

Mmm what are you missing Lin Elena chuckled.

I don't have time for games I said,M'gann pointed to my clothes,I was in sweat the whole.

I ran upstairs and more people said showing.

I took a quick shower and changed in a pink dress and black heels and I was ready to surprise Tim.

{Tim POV}

Stephanie took me to the Zoo and a movie and now I was blind folded.

Steph where are we going I whined.

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