Chapter 53

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{Lindy POV}

I woke up to the smell of food,I saw Elena wasn't here so she was have left.I walked downstairs and there was everyone getting ready for dinner.

"Ah your awake,I thought I was gonna have to call the parmedics to get you out that room.Peg laughed.

I got a good look at her,she had black hair,with a few pieces of gray sticking out,dark blue eyes,pale skin like that of a doll,she was also very tiny,not just in weight but this woman was a littles shorter than Damian.

"Sorry I guess I was really tired." I said.

"it's all right dear why don't you help me in the kitchen."

"Okay." I followed her and started helping her with the rolls.

"So what's going on with you and that boy ?"

I snapped my head to look at her."Excuse me?"

"That boy with the long black hair blue eyes."

"I titled my head.

"The Smart one."

"Oh Tim.Nothing."

"Anymore."She began stirring the vegtables that were in the pot.

"Well you use to date but he moved on."

"And your still stock on him.Tell you want tomorrow me you and that bruttne are going to the market and the store owner has a son a year older than you his name is Drake and I think you too would really hit it of."

"Oh..okay." I said.(How's that for irony )

"Dear I'm gonna tell you something.You see when Alfred left for the Mayor,I had met a man by the name of James.Now James and I would go every where together." She sighed.

"What happened ?"

"Will James and I grew apart,he was also being stationed and I was her looking after my mom and taking care of the shop we ran. One day he never returned home,a week later I got a yellow piece of paper telling me in dead in action."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's alright dear.Look I don't know your two history and I don't know there's.But I can tell you and that boy have something special,don't let him get away from you.They way he looked at you when you I said you didn't look so good was the look James looked at me.

Even though he may think he loves this girl,you are his one true love,know that doesn't mean you can't see other people,that just means that in time he will come back to you." She had put the veggies in a bowl and went to the dinning room.

"Hey where's the drinking glasses ?" I turned to see Tim standing in the door way.

"Here."I tried to reach for the glass in the cabinet but there to high up.

"Here let me." Tim reach over me and took down the few glasses he needed.He were now staring at each other,only a few inches apart,he lead in about to close the gap between us when.

"Hey Tim you find the glass!?" Stephanie yelled walking into the kitchen me moved apart before she came in.

"Yay Yup here they are."He rushed out the kitchen,I was about to leave when Stephanie stopped me.

"What's going on with you and Tim?" She folded her arms.

"Nothing why." I said.

"Uh huh sure." She turned and left.I rolled my eyes and followed her into the dinning room.

The Next Morning

I was in the car with Peg and Elena we were going to the market like Peg had told me before.She parked the car and we got out.

"So girls this is Reman Gorcery.

We walked into the store,it was a nice size,she picked up a shopping cart and pushed it around.

"So any ideas for dinner ?" she was looking at a patch of chicken.

We both shrugged.

"Well I'm going to look around Elena come with me,Lindy dear ask that boy where the milk is.

"Okay." I walked over to the guy she pointed to.

"excuse me-

Holy Heavens Angels Batman!!!!

The boy turned to me,he was really tall,maybe a few inches shorter than Jason,he had long messy dark brown hair,green eyes,a nice jaw that could cut a piece of paper with one movement. He also look fit probably from working here.


"Yes sorry." I was probably blushing bright red.

"I said do you need help ?"

Yes carry me to the hospital I'm about the faint.


He raised an eye brow."You okay.

"Uh yes sorry where's the milf"

"You mean milk."He started to laugh wait what's a milf.Ohhh never mind.

"Yes Milk."I laughed with him.

"This way."I followed him and he showed me where it was.

"Thank you...Drake.Wait Drake.

"Yes ?"

"What your Jackson's son."

"And how do you know that."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Lindy.Lindy Wayne.I'm staying with Peg."

"Oh.Wait Lindy Wayne as in Bruce Wayne's daughter."



"So this is a nice shop you got here."

Why is everything so awkard.

"Thanks."I picked up that milk and was about to leave when.

"So how long you staying in London."

Did I forget his accent,Elena is gonna cry she missed this.

"Two weeks."

"Ah,well here."He took my hand and wrote a number down.

"If your ever bored,lost or you need to have some fun just call me and I'll pick you."

"Okay.By Drake."

"By Lindy."

I meantly scared.

"So I see you got the boys number in no time."Peg laughed.


"I want a hot british guy."Elena whined.

"Well stop by the bakery and you can meet Sara's son.His name is Chance and there from a small town in France."

"Ooo la la." We both laughed.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now