Chapter 6

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{Aiden POV}

I woke up around five and showered and put on my uniform,I grabbed a apple and went do to the cave the only person their was Damian training with his sword.

"Your up early ."I said sitting on the railing near where he was training.

"I always train at 5."

"Nice to know" I said taking a bite out of my apple.

Tim and Barbara walked into the cave.

"So are you ready to train ?" Barbara asked.

"I though we were waiting on Bruce ?"

"Nope." Tim said.

Dick and Lindy walked in.

"Okay let's start easy" Dick said.

"Lindy you take me and Tim on,Aiden you take Damian and Barbara on."

I got in position.

I charged Batgirl and I missed every hit,you suck at this Robin said.

I did a sliding kick and took him down.

"You were saying" Batgirl said.

He mumbled and charged me,again I caught his foot and I threw him into Batgirl.

"CHEAP SHOT!" They yelled standing.

Batgirl carted wheel and I jumped over her and I kick her in the back and I managed to block all of Robin's attacks and I took him down.

I turned just in time before Batgirl could send round house kicks to me.

I stopped her foot from coming in contact with my face,I threw her on the ground and I sighed.

"You may have won this time but the next time you will feel pain" Robin snarled.

"Okay Your turn" I looked to Lindy who looked like she seen a ghost.

{Lindy POV}

I took my place in the area where we would fight.

"GO!" Robin shouted.

Nightwing didn't move he know what I was doing,Red Robin charged me with his staff,I took my staff and took it apart and made two and I fought Red Robin.

"Your quick" he said ,I countered his attack."Well you are slow" I said.

His smirking turned to a angry look.

I smirk and kicked him in the shin then Nightwing charged me and I ducked and made the two staffs one and I attacked him.

We clashed,"Your good" he said.

"But not that good" he said about to knock me on the ground but I leaped up and kicked him in the back I did a sliding kick and he went down.

Red Robin charged me and I threw my staff high in the air.

He was about to hit me in the head with his staff but I caught in and pushed in back and it hit him in the gut.

I threw his staff on the ground and caught mine I did a spin and hit him with it then I twirled around and kick Nightwing in the leg and he was down I did a flying kick to Red Robin and he was down.

"Woah you two got beat by a girl" Barbara said high fiving me.

"You spar with her' NightWing said standing holding his knee.

'Young Masters Master Bruce has informed me that it is time for you all to go to Mt Justice.'

"Okay me and Aiden" ran to the zeta tube.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now