Chapter 63

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*Heads up this is a few weeks after the child born I thought I would skip it since that would be the same old so old and this chapter is for a dear friend of mine DC_Writer_E it's her birthday so please got over to her page and wish her a happy birthday. Any way here you go. *

{Tim POV}

I just got back from the store,I had to pick up a few things for the baby.We had a girl and we named her Courtney Evelyn Drake,Lindy really didn't want to but I thought he would be nice of her to name her after her sister.Yes Evelyn was crazy and evil ad tried to kill me,but she was only 16 she deserved a happy life but we can have everything in this world.

I walked into the nursery and there was Lindy rocking Courtney until she was asleep.

"Hey." I whispered

"Hi." She whispered back,she put Courtney in her crib then we walked out of the room.

"So how was China ?" She asked.

"Good we found another on of Ra's bases but he's still nowhere to be found,have you heard from Nyssa ?"

"No.Damian said he spoke to her a few weeks after I came home from trainning with her but nothing since than.Why?"

"Because there have been bodies dropping all over Gotham and they were old league of Assassians members."

She tapped her chin,"Maybe they went rogue ?" She said.

"No they were released but the League rarely let anyone go...alive."i finished.

"I'll look into it."


"Yes Tim I will be careful." She kissed my cheek before she turned and left.

What am I gonna do with her ?

{Lindy POV}

I had suited up and I also called Finch.

After Artemis thought Wally "died" she quite the Birds,and Emily joined and I guess you could say this generation was full of sisters.Like actually all three of us,me Emily and Elena are all sisters so ya that's fun.

Today is Emily's birthday and Damian thought we should throw her a surprise party.

"So how are we gonna do this one ?" Jason asked.

"Well Lindy and Elena are going to take Emily out of the manor while we plan the party." Dick stood up and handed me Bruce's credit card.

"Oo shopping." I said

"And want time should we bring her back." Elena walked over to the archway.

"Six" Damian then left the room to do who knows what.

"Let's go." we went to Emily's room,where she slammed her lap top down and was pink in the face.

"W-what are you guys doing here ?"

Elena and smirked than we looked at her.

"We'll find out who you were talking to later,right know we are taking our big sis out shopping." I squealed.

"You are way to happy." Elena relpied gloomy.

"No guys it's fine it's not that big of a deal."

"Em you only turn 20 once so let's go." I went downstairs to my car and wanted for them but as I left I heard them speak.

"She isn't gonna take no for a answer is she."Emily whined.

"Nope. Elena said popping the "p"

Soon Emily was in the passager seat and Elena in the back.

We drove to the mall and went inside.

2 hour later

"How much for those sunglasses ?" Emily looked at me.

"450." I said like it was nothing.

Wow she mouthed.

"Can I see the prada's in the front ?"

"I would have to put some in the back." I could tell this sales boy liked me and I would use that to get what I want.It's not bad because I told him I was with someone yet he still flirts with me.

"Hey that girl over needs help." Emily pointed to a older lady who was looking at a red long dress and a blue pan-suit.

"I'll be right back." He winked at me before running off to the older lady.


"May I guess blondes do get all the fun." She chuckled.

"No much." I rolled my eyes. We left the store before he could come back.

"So what you buy ?" I asked.

"Just a dress for me date with Bart."

"Oo you like Bart I knew it. You too would be so cute together." I coied.

"Aww that's sis." We ran into Elena then we went home.

"So what do you guys want to do go to--


Damian mange to get the whole YJ team,JL,and Titans to come.

"Aww you guys."

"Happy birthday sister." Damian gave Emily a little black box.

"Aww thank you Damian." Soon everyone was hugging Emily and just having a good time.

Alfred wheeled out the cake it was Strawberry Shortcake.


She blow out the candles and then Alfred cut the cake and everyone just laughed and ate.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now