Writing Prompts 22

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     The wind bit at my cheeks, turning them scarlet from the cold. I turn to him. It causes deep thrums of regret to fill my stomach. You begin to turn towards me. I look away. "How could you dos that, Aunna? Even after everything?"

     You yell it at me, angrily.

     "I just- I just wanted to prove- that I'm--" I frustratedly raked my fingers through my hair, desperately trying not to let the tears fall. I began to yell, "I'm just trying to prove that I'm not some snobby, weak princess!" My voice cracked on the last word. My shoulders shook. Silent tears ran down my face. The lump in my throat was unbearable. You stepped towards me.

     "Aunna, that was not the way to do it. Can't you see the consequences? How could you be so selfish?"

     I began to sob. "Well it's too l-late n-now! Y-you can't just tur-rn back time! I'm an idiot, I get that! But it's t-too late! Leave me a-alone, I thought you of all people would understand." I stormed away from you and your handsome face, and your bright green eyes, and all the emotions that had developed between us.

     "Aunnaliese, wait, I'm sorry." You watched me walk away. You probably didn't want to give in to my "antics." You weren't going to come after me. So when I walked out the door, and made it half way down the street; when I stopped and looked back, when I stood there for longer than my heart could take, and I got in a cab, it broke my heart. And it hurt like hell.

     You let me go. Well, goodbye forever, cause I'm not coming back.

     When Aunnaliese and William see each other again at a chance meeting in the street, far from where they left each other, what happens? Aunna left as a broken girl, a lost princess, and William let her go, a failed body guard.

     So after a long year of dodging her family-the Royal family- William, even though they left with bad blood, tries to persuade her to come back.

     Take it from here, you get to decide the background story, and what happens after this! Write on fellow authors!

     Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading :). Please vote and comment and read and add to reading lists and share! Tell me if you write this story, I would love to read it! Thanks,

Payton Janae :).

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