Writing Prompt 64

267 9 5

We've always existed in a world of loneliness.
An ache so deep, it never goes away.
An urge so full, it never fades.

We drive angry, recklessly.
It hurts so much.
I will tears to come, but they hide behind my lashes, never giving me relief. The anger that fills my veins hurts me. It pierces my heart, tearing away my focus.
I cry out. Where is the cause of all this pain?
My head spins, pulling me into a dazed stupor. My emotions slowly drip out of the leak in my heart till there is nothing left.
I sit there stone faved. A stoic nobody. No one hears my cries. Now I hide behind a smile. Now I laugh in the face of adversity. I have nothing to lose. I fear nothing because death will be the thing to take my pain away.
I smile at the people who've taken my heart and snapped it in two. I wave to the people who've shattered my world. It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing does.

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Payton Janae :).

So, I've had a rough couple of days. The kid I asked to tolo takes every chance he can to infer that he doesn't want to go with me. I'm not sure how he thinks that's going to work out for him? Like were we just going to still go to the dance even if he is a complete (insert swearword) to me? Either way, I'm going to tell him that we're not going to go together, tomorrow. All I know is that he is going to be in big trouble with his parents when they hear all of the things he has said in front of me. . . Sorry, I just had to rant a bit.

P. S. we hit 6.23k views, 330 votes, and 144 comments! Thanks peeps!!!!

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