Writing Prompt 81

204 11 10

     It was sunny. I was happy. I tucked my blonde hair into my baseball cap, pulling at my tank top and cami. I smiled. I finally made it to LA.

     I got out of the taxi and my driver got the suitcase from the trunk. I paid him and left a ten as a tip, feeling generous. But who was I kidding, it was only my second time driving in a taxi. I wouldn't know a tip from the final bill.

I walked unsteadily on my legs, still feeling like I was on the plane. My scuffed, beloved Vans went nicely with my new jean shorts. I was ready for a tan. Being from Washington, I didn't get tan too often. Excepting picking berries in the summer. . . I smiled at the thought. But those days were long over. Now I was graduated from college, with a four year degree, even though I was only just twenty. Now was my time to scour the world.

And what better place to start than California? Home of the celebrities. . .

I probably wouldn't see anyone, though. I yawned. I needed some coffee. I stretched like a cat and carried on my way.

I made a quick stop by the public restroom to fix my hair and makeup. Not that I wore a whole ton, only mascara. I took out my q tips and wiped away all the little flakes of black, and then I added mascara to the tips. I grabbed eos chapstick out of the side pocket of my dark-tealish-blue backpack. I puckered and swiped. Then I stuffed it all back in my bag and grabbed my headphones out. I put the pandora station to Cool Girl and hummed along, eventually stopping when people began to stare.

I awkwardly adjusted my hair, a nervous habit of mine. Then I exited the bathroom, quickly smoothing out my clothes in the mirror and walking away.

My backpack kept getting caught on the cracks on the sidewalks, and I inwardly cringed, thinking of how stupid I must look. Alright, back to the original idea: coffee.

I walked a few blocks, eventually huffing under the strain of my backpack and rubbing my sore back. The sun was so bright, even with my sunglasses, and I could already feel the sunburn coming on. So it was no surprise that I nearly cried with relief when I saw a little cafe tucked in the shade, mostly out of sight.

I tugged my suitcase along, grimacing as it got caught on a rock. I paused to kick it off, realizing how incredibly lame I must look. I grimaced. How embarrassing. It was then that I caught sight of a few guys hanging around a few of the shady trees, watching me. I blushed. But in further inspection I realized they were just high schoolers, so they definitely weren't worth my time. I turned away and kept walking towards the little coffee shop. Once I reached the door and opened it, the cold air rushed at me like salvation on judgement day.

I let out a sigh of relief just as the barista greeted me. "Welcome! Can I get something for you today?"

I gave her a smile sweet enough to rot teeth. "I think I'll take a look at the menu first." I smiled again, to show her I wasn't being a bish. She smiled back.

"Alright then, take your time."

I nodded and looked around. Then I looked back quickly at the dude sitting in the corner. Mhm, he was hot. He wore sunglasses inside, weirdo. But then my face warmed as I realized I was wearing sunglasses too. Awks. Or maybe I wasn't blushing, maybe it was just the sun burn. I nearly shrugged but then realized I was thinking to myself and I was still staring at the guy, who I might add, was staring at me too at that point. I gave him a head nod and went back up to the counter, keeping my hand around the handle of my suitcase. I shrugged my backpack off of my shoulder and dug around for my wallet.

"I've made my mind up, I'm going to get a vanilla bean frappe, please." She told me the amount of cash and handed me the change, which I threw in my wallet, talking out a dollar. I placed it in the tip jar. I made my way over to a booth, sighing in relief when I slumped against the wood. I nearly fell asleep. But it felt like as soon as I sat down she called over to tell me my drink was ready. I would've groaned but I actually had manners.

I made as if to stand up, rubbing my sore back, when the guy in the corner stood up. A deep voice came from my left with an Australian accent to chew. "Stay there, you look tired, I got you." He held out a hand towards me, in the stop signal. I would've sworn he winked. But after all, he was wearing sunglasses. Speaking of which, I was still wearing mine too. I quickly pulled them off, thought. Water if it because of the tan lines I probably had, and put them back on. He walked towards me, two drinks in his hand.

He handed the one to me, taking a sip of the other. "You look tired." His Australian accent to boot. I was too stunned to even thank him.

"Oh yeah, red eye flight. Oh and thank you," I gestured towards the drink, smiling. "You can sit if you'd like," I gestured agin, this time towards the other side of the booth.

It was his turn to smile. "I would like that." He sat down. He softly set his drink down, at the same time asking me: "So what brings you out here?"

"A sense of adventure, a release from the cold. . . I don't know, something like that."

"Oh? Where do you come from?"

"Up in Washington, more near the Canadian border, two hours north of Seattle. Oh gosh, sorry that was a mouthful."

He nodded, smiling. "Yeah, yeah it was. But you didn't come here to see celebrities or the like?"

"Well that'd be cool. I certainly like not being recognized everywhere I go. . ." I pulled down my glasses a shade, letting him see me wink. Then I pulled them up. He laughed a wonderfully rich laugh. I think I just fell in love.

"And you are?"

This time I laughed. "Oh I'm no celebrity, just a girl from a small town. But you can call me Raelyn." He laughed again.

"Nice to meet you, Raelyn, just a girl from a small town, I'm Liam."

We shook hands. He looked kind of familiar at that point. Liam? Did that sound familiar?

     I voiced my thought: "That sounds familiar, do I know you?"

     He let his sunglasses down a bit, copying my move and winking at me, "Probably." Bright blue eyes, twinkling.

     I stared at him for a second before quietly squealing. "You're Liam!"

     "That is what I said," he chuckled.

     I shoved his arm playfully, " you know what I mean."

     "Do I?" He grinned again.

     I leaned in real close, right next to his ear. "You're Liam Hemsworth, selfie?"

     "You're spot on," he winked for the billionth time, "Keep this between us? And yeah I'll take a selfie with you cause I'm nice like that." He belly-laughed. Swoon.

     And we took a selfie, several of them actually.

     I wondered if we'd ever take more in the future, I sure hoped so.

     Take it from here!

How was that? Tell me in the comments! Thanks for reading! Vote comment and share por favor! Thanks again, (that was way too many exclamation marks lol)

Payton Janae :).

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