Writing Prompt 110

140 7 6

Something pinged off the window beside me. I jolted out of my reverie, bouncing one inch above my chair. Placing a hand to my fast paced heart, I went to examine what attempted to kill me. Or rather, should I say, attempted to give me a heart attack.

It was a little butterfly-like thing, a moth? A hummingbird? A really weird bird? I peeked closer, it was on the windowsill outside the glass.

I placed my face so close to the glass that my nose nearly smushed. It quivered, reaching a hand out to brush its wings off- wait. . . A hand?!? I stared, horrified at the little thing. My scream was corked in my throats and I backed away when I saw a little face come into view. It looked at me. I looked at it. We made eye contact. It blinked. I slapped a hand to my mouth, against my will, and silenced my loud shriek.

It stood on two feet, raising its nose at me. "Do not scream, human. You are of no importance to me, being an unintelligent beast, you deserve none of my attention. However, it has come to notice that we Kaelfolk need a protector. You-"

I interrupted the "Kaelfolk" person thing, tearing my hand away from my mouth. "Stop right there. What are you and what are you doing here?"

The thin have me a disdainful glare with its pixie-like features, and tutted. "You, human imbecile, would know those things already, if you had not chosen to so rudely interrupt me. As I was saying, you are one of the last humans on earth with magic in their blood, that is young enough to be our protector. You will be trained along with the other twenty teenagers, and young children, to be a protector. Now, as you inquired, I am Pixel, a Kaelfolk. My Kaelfolk and I are similar to what you worm like humans would call fairies. But you make us out to be much less than we are. Now come."


But it was too late, because Pixel had already whirled us away to who knows where. I sure didn't know where.

My grumpiness kicked in, wow, how unfair. I didn't even get a choice. I growled as I swam through the darkness, a tiny, bright dot on the horizon speedily getting closer.

Then BAM!

I landed on two feet, like a cat. I gazed around me in wonder,y eyes taking in new sights. Then I saw a lot of Kaelfolk. They all stared up at me disdainfully. "You are the first human to arrive," two Kaelfolk with eerily similar features spoke in unison.

Just then, another human appeared a few feet away from where I stood. I noticed they were standing on a two foot wide mushroom, looking just as confused as I felt. I looked beneath my feet, and, sure enough, there was a big mushroom. Who knew, mushrooms really are magical.

     And what the heck was going on?

Take it from here!

I know I said I wouldn't update, but I figured, well it has already been five days so. . . There is an update! There may or may not be another one for a while. Thanks for your guys' support!

Payton Janae :).

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