Writing Prompt 32

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     Paisley was going through her Instagram feed, and after liking all of the pictures that she wanted to, she got bored. So she went to her discovery page.

     After browsing for a long while she came across a picture. It was of her neighbor's cousins. Her neighbor's boy cousins. Her neighbor's hot boy cousins. So, Paisley, doing the natural thing, decided to stalk him.

     After looks big through a bunch of the older boy cousin's pictures, she went to check out the younger cousin. He was private, unfortunately. So she contemplated for a while, and a little while longer, before she decided to follow him. Why not? Right?

     So she did. It was around one in the morning, though, so he was probably asleep. Obviously he didn't accept her follow request right away.

     As she sat and did other things, she couldn't help but think of when she met him the first time and how much he had matured in everything. He looked so much older, in a good way. More manly.

•••••First time she met him•••••
     Paisley walked up to the door, Mrs. Vander Giesen was on the path leading up to their door, talking to Blake. (The cousin.) Paisley smiled as she walked up to them.

     "Oh, hi Paisley! I'd like to introduce you to my nephew! Paisley this is Blake, Blake this is Paisley."

     Paisley smiled and greeted them back. She shook hands with Blake and they both said their nice-to-meet-you's.

•••••Second time she saw him•••••

     They were going tubing down the creek. "They" being Paisley, Delila, Ann (the neighbor with the hot cousins), and Ella. Paisley peered past the trees lining the creek and turned to Ann.

     "Isn't that your cousin?"

     "Oh yeah! It is!" Then she yelled past the brush, to catch her cousin's ear: "Blake! Hey Blake!" He turned towards them.

     Swoon. They could see his sparkling blue eyes and shiny brown hair from there. Paisley also waved, seeing as how she had actually met him and been introduced to him.

•••••Back to the present•••••

     Paisley woke up with a start. Gah. She had to get up now cause she was going out to coffee with Ann. She quickly got ready and walked to Ann's house to get her. She blearily rubbed her eyes, it was still early morning: it was nine o'clock. She managed to look up, just in time to see Blake walking out the door. Weird coincidence, right?

     She was going to step around him but it looked like he wasn't quite done talking to Ann, who was in the doorway. She patiently waited.

     When he turned around, he almost bumped into Paisley. He quickly apologized and they spoke a few words. Ann was going to introduce them but Paisley mentioned that they had already met. Blake was kind of confused.

     "Really? We've met?"

     "Geez, it seems like nobody remembers me! Especially the hot ones. . . But I know who you are, your face is one that isn't easy to forget."

     Blake blushed uncomfortably. Then Paisley giggled when he said a awkward 'thank you'.

     "That wasn't a compliment." She put on a serious face but was really just biting the inside of her cheek so that she wouldn't burst into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. He looked stunned. He just kind of sat there. But Paisley laughed again, biting hard on her cheek.
     "I was just kidding." Then she let loose, literal tears sliding down her face, her face turned bright red and so did Blake's. Suddenly there was a tension in the air, as Blake caught Paisley's  eye. They just say there taking each other in for a while.

     Paisley broke the silence first. "I'll give you a break, it's been, like three years since we last talked." A couple minutes later he left and Paisley was left with Ann. Naturally, they talked about it for the whole coffee date.

     What happens next? Will Paisley see Blake again? Will something happen between them? Find out when you write this story!

     Thanks for reading :) if you write this story please tell me because I would love to read it! Vote and comment and share and follow and add to reading lists please!! Thanks again :),

Payton Janae :)

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