Writing Prompt 122

182 12 9

     Fears knocks at the doors of my heart like wind on open windows. I run across the meadow, green grass beneath my weary feet. This is supposed to be a peaceful, pastoral place. War has ravaged it, thick black scars of dirt mar its surface. Bullets whistle past my body, the sharp sounds reaching my ears.

     In the distance I see planes dropping bombs, the smoke and dust activates a feeling inside of me. My emotions slowly fade, a red haze covers my vision. I become mechanical, I raise my gun and shoot at the colors of the enemy. no hesitation smudges through my veins. On the battlegrounds, all pausing does is get you killed.

     One of my comrades falls with a burst of blood, not twenty yards from me. Even now, I know it's hopeless to help him. I can't think about it. If I think about it I'll be lost to the darkness. Dirt patters against my face.

     Mechanical is good, thinking is not.

     An enemy soldier falls by my aim, I suppress shudders. It can't affect me. It can't.

     I run towards the trenches, my ammo is low. My back never turns toward the enemy. my gun sets atop my shoulder, pointing at a- at a -a young boy. My arm slacks. He sees me. He raises his gun. I lower mine. I think of my son at home, my teenage boy. I can feel the darkness eat at me. No, no I can't do this. I can't think about it. I shove the shaky tendrils of fear away, I look the boy in the eye, and I nod. He sees my lower red gun and looks confused. For a moment the most forlorn look crosses his face. A single tear leaved a thick rivulet through the heavily caked dust. He nods back and turns away.

     This war should have never been fought.

     Young men sent to their deaths.

     Oh dear God, please help us now.

     Take it from here!

I actually really enjoyed writing this! I don't know if you guys will enjoy, but it was fun to write :). The style is a far cry from what I usually do, but have I done a war story before? You guys usually remember these things better than I do! Hope you enjoyed lol. My phone broke so I won't be on Wattpad as much as usual. . . But life is good right now, otherwise. Thanks :)

Payton Janae :).

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